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 Results  - Genesee-Livingston County Championships

 ... October 29, 2005 ()

Results courtest Mike Hoffman (Pembroke)


 Boys Results


     NAME                      SCHOOL                 TIME        (Rating)
1.   Bobby Henchen             Geneseo                16:47        (176.0)
2.   Peter Manktelow           Hornell                17:00        (171.7)
3.   Tim Chichester            Mt. Morris             17:06        (169.7)
4.   Cheyne Hoag               Dansville              17:19        (165.3)
5.   Steve Hine                Dansville              17:24        (163.7)
6.   Chris Foss                H-F-L                  17:32        (161.0)
7.   Mike McInally             Byron-Bergen           17:34        (160.3)
8.   Matt Marion               H-F-L                  17:35        (160.0)
9.   Ricky Oliveras            Oakfield-Alabama       17:37        (159.3)
10.  Thane Clark               H-F-L                  17:39        (158.7)
11.  Dave McMahill             Livonia                17:40        (158.3)
12.  Robert Gardner            H-F-L                  17:44        (157.0)
13.  Chris Martinelli          Byron-Bergen           17:45        (156.7)
14.  Troy Winkstern            Pembroke               17:47        (156.0)
15.  Jim Olexsyn               H-F-L                  17:49        (155.3)
16.  Josh Garrett              Pavilion               17:50        (155.0)
17.  Josh Guarino              Byron-Bergen           17:52        (154.3)
18.  Brandon Pyer              Hornell                17:53        (154.0)
19.  Jake Sullivan             Leroy                  17:54        (153.7)
20.  Nick Guarino              Byron-Bergen           17:55        (153.3)
21.  Kevin Rose                H-F-L                  17:58        (152.3)
22.  Derrick Snyder            Bath                   18:05        (150.0)
23.  Steve Fitch               Oakfield-Alabama       18:10        (148.3)
24.  Devon Bartholomew         Pembroke               18:11        (148.0)
25.  Adam Dixson               Oakfield-Alabama       18:17        (146.0)
26.  Tyler Murray              Leroy                  18:20        (145.0)
27.  Shawn Brummert            Oakfield-Alabama       18:24        (143.7)
28.  Kevin Linn                Geneseo                18:26        (143.0)
29.  Justin Richardson         Pavilion               18:27        (142.7)
30.  Adam Martinelli           Byron-Bergen           18:32        (141.0)
31.  Sean Keyes                H-F-L                  18:34        (140.3)
32.  Matt DiSalvo              Oakfield-Alabama       18:38        (139.0)
33.  Steve McInally            Byron-Bergen           18:43        (137.3)
34.  Joe Kendall               Wayland-Cohocton       18:44        (137.0)
35.  Bryan Pratt               Geneseo                18:45        (136.7)
36.  John Smith                Wayland-Cohocton       18:46        (136.3)
37.  Paul Rahn                 Geneseo                18:46.5      (136.2)
38.  Joe Murray                Hornell                18:47        (136.0)
39.  Jim Schwab                Leroy                  18:47.5      (135.8)
40.  Andrew Perkins            Wheatland-Chili        18:47.8      (135.7)
41.  Tony Muntz                Oakfield-Alabama       18:48.2      (135.6)
42.  Jason Scott               Byron-Bergen           18:48.6      (135.5)
43.  Jon Foreman               Hornell                18:48.9      (135.4)
44.  Josh Durham               Oakfield-Alabama       18:53        (134.0)
45.  Brian Kellog              H-F-L                  18:56        (133.0)
46.  Joe Waddle                Keshequa               18:57        (132.7)
47.  Andrew Richardson         Alexander              19:01        (131.3)
48.  Garth Clark               Wayland-Cohocton       19:04        (130.3)
49.  Steven Sayles             H-F-L                  19:05        (130.0)
50.  Pat O’Halloran            Leroy                  19:06        (129.7)
51.  Trevor Laurie             Byron-Bergen           19:08        (129.0)
52.  Gary Macauley             Geneseo                19:09        (128.7)
53.  Devon Skidmore            Alexander              19:10        (128.3)
54.  Christian Caccamise       Alexander              19:11        (128.0)
55.  Tom Wood                  H-F-L                  19:13        (127.3)
56.  Collin Bartholomew        Pembroke               19:19        (125.3)
57.  Brandon Brummert          Oakfield-Alabama       19:20        (125.0)
58.  Brandon DiPasquale        Geneseo                19:22.2      (124.3)
59.  T.J. Richenberg           Byron-Bergen           19:22.8      (124.1)
60.  Evan Miles                Pembroke               19:25        (123.3)
61.  Nick Richardson           Alexander              19:28        (122.3)
62.  Kevin Grazioplene         Oakfield-Alabam        19:30        (121.7)
63.  Nick Everett              Attica                 19:32        (121.0)
64.  Kyle Hoag                 Dansville              19:34        (120.3)
65.  Tyler Logan               Byron-Bergen           19:35        (120.0)
66.  Steve Stromsness          Bath                   19:37.2      (119.3)
67.  Brian Feurstein           Geneseo                19:37.6      (119.1)
68.  Steve DiGregorio          Byron-Bergen           19:37.9      (119.0)
69.  Abr Miller                Holley                 19:39        (118.7)
70.  Steve Warner              Livonia                19:40.4      (118.2)
71.  Bryan Rose                H-F-L                  19:40.9      (118.0)
72.  Joe Syracusa              Livonia                19:41        (118.0)
73.  Jeff Hanrahan             Hornell                19:42        (117.7)
74.  Mike Carrol               H-F-L                  19:43        (117.3)
75.  Jared Hopkins             H-F-L                  19:43.7      (117.1)
76.  Evan Schmidt              H-F-L                  19:46        (116.3)
77.  Mark Rotthoff             Pembroke               19:48.1      (115.6)
78.  Graham Andrus             Bath                   19:48.8      (115.4)
79.  Casey Boyle               Oakfield-Alabama       19:50        (115.0)
80.  Jack Bennett              Leroy                  19:51        (114.7)
81.  Tim Ivancic               Wheatland-Chili        19:52        (114.3)
82.  Joe Rudolf                Livonia                19:52.9      (114.0)
83.  Larry Boring              Kendall                19:54        (113.7)
84   Garrett Koek              H-F-L                  19:56        (113.0)
85.  Jason Beers               H-F-L                  19:57        (112.7)
86.  Paxton Smith              H-F-L                  19:58        (112.3)
87.  Matt Jackson              Notre Dame             20:01        (111.3)
88.  Scott Hill                Pembroke               20:02        (111.0)
89.  Joe Fahey                 Mt. Morris             20:05        (110.0)
90.  Zach Seewaldt             Attica                 20:10        (108.3)
91.  Jeff Borgus               Leroy                  20:12        (107.7)
92.  Eric Fahy                 Kendall                20:12.8      (107.4)
93.  Derek Lacz                H-F-L                  20:13.2      (107.3)
94.  Cody Dieterle             Oakfield-Alabama       20:13.9      (107.0)
95.  Dan Lacitignola           Geneseo                20:14        (107.0)
96.  Peter Kosek               Attica                 20:15.5      (106.5)
97.  Brian Zielonka            Alexander              20:15.9      (106.4)
98.  Tim Porvey                H-F-L                  20:16        (106.3)
99.  John Whelehan             Notre Dame             20:21        (104.7)
100. Casey Call                Oakfield-Alabama       20:26        (103.0)
101. Aaron Kelly               Wheatland-Chili        20:28        (102.3)
102. Evan Taylor               Alexander              20:29        (102.0)
103. Zach Porvey               H-F-L                  20:31        (101.3)
104. Jim Hanafin               Livonia                20:32        (101.0)
105. Jeff Sattora              Avon                   20:33        (100.7)
106. Anthony Hoffend           H-F-L                  20:35        (100.0)
107. Mike Langdon              Byron-Bergen           20:37        (99.3 )
108. Jonas Borkholder          Oakfield-Alabama       20:39        (98.7 )
109. Ruairi  Barnes            Wheatland-Chili        20:40        (98.3 )
110. Richard Lauer             Geneseo                20:43        (97.3 )
111. Robert Goins              Dansville              20:44        (97.0 )
112. Aaron Griffin             Hornell                20:44.5      (96.8 )
113. Scott Gray                Keshequa               20:47        (96.0 )
114. Chris Stocking            Wayland-Cohocton       20:48.4      (95.5 )
115. Heath Marchand            Kendall                20:48.8      (95.4 )
116. Colin Geer                Byron-Bergen           20:49        (95.3 )
117. Matt Welch                Avon                   20:50        (95.0 )
118. Matt Allen                Byron-Bergen           20:51        (94.7 )
119. Phil Rosebrough           Avon                   20:56        (93.0 )
120. Ethan Burns               Pembroke               20:57        (92.7 )
121. Eric Leffel               Pembroke               20:59        (92.0 )
122. Ryan Terry                Hornell                20:59.8      (91.7 )
123. Shawn Mascho              Pavilion               21:00        (91.7 )
124. Ben Witte                 Dansville              21:00.5      (91.5 )
125. Eric Eason                Hornell                21:02        (91.0 )
126. Ian Schu                  Hornell                21:04        (90.3 )
127. Alex Chichester           Mt. Morris             21:04.9      (90.0 )
128. Reed Olmstead             Byron-Bergen           21:05        (90.0 )
129. Charles Young             Livonia                21:07        (89.3 )
130. Brett Irwin               Wayland-Cohocton       21:08        (89.0 )
131  Ryan Clarke               Leroy                  21:12        (87.7 )
132. Patrick Miskell           Livonia                21:14        (87.0 )
133. Matt Halligan             Kendall                21:15        (86.7 )
134. Karl Koessler-Steiker     Wheatland-Chili        21:18        (85.7 )
135. Lewis Brice               Avon                   21:19        (85.3 )
136. Tim Hults                 Wheatland-Chili        21:20        (85.0 )
137. Sean Zawicki              Notre Dame             21:21        (84.7 )
138. Curtis Clark              H-F-L                  21:21.6      (84.5 )
139. Collin Mitchell           Kendall                21:21.9      (84.4 )
140. Justin Thomas             Holley                 21:30        (81.7 )
141. Andrew Geyer              Oakfield-Alabama       21:36        (79.7 )
142. James Waterman            Leroy                  21:39        (78.7 )
143. Andy Yockel               Kendall                21:41        (78.0 )
144. Joe Patton                Leroy                  21:43        (77.3 )
145. Josh Lang                 Leroy                  21:50        (75.0 )
146. Devan Elk                 Wayland-Cohocton       21:53        (74.0 )
147. Sean Rasmusen             Hornell                21:54        (73.7 )
148. Kevin Farrel              H-F-L                  21:55        (73.3 )
149. Joran Witte               Dansville              21:56        (73.0 )
150. Adam Vanlieshout          Livonia                21:57        (72.7 )
151  Michael VanHoutes         Leroy                  21:58        (72.3 )
152. Brandon Shufelt           H-F-L                  22:00        (71.7 )
153. Charles Cannon            Alexander              22:01        (71.3 )
154. Peter Dixon               Leroy                  22:04        (70.3 )
155. Dan Stanley               Mt. Morris             22:04.8      (70.1 )
156. Bryan Peters              Keshequa               22:05        (70.0 )
157. Josh Rowlands             H-F-L                  22:06        (69.7 )
158. Matt Kota                 Byron-Bergen           22:07        (69.3 )
159. Billy Ernst               Dansville              22:07.5      (69.2 )
160. Tyler Diesenberg          Avon                   22:11        (68.0 )
161. Dave McLaren              Kendall                22:11        (68.0 )
162. Marcus Cox                Lima Christian         22:12        (67.7 )
163. Brian O’Toole             Hornell                22:13        (67.3 )
164. Carter Hopkins            H-F-L                  22:20        (65.0 )
165. Shawn Iachetta            Holley                 22:21        (64.7 )
166. Steve Bellin              Livonia                22:21.4      (64.5 )
167. Eli Putzig                Livonia                22:23        (64.0 )
168. Elliott Weaver            Hornell                22:39        (58.7 )
169. Mark Constable            Leroy                  22:40        (58.3 )
170. Chris Redman              Livonia                22:41        (58.0 )
171. Nick Westrich             Wheatland-Chili        22:41.8      (57.7 )
172. Dan Washburn              Leroy                  22:44        (57.0 )
173. James Ambrose             Alexander              22:46        (56.3 )
174. Billy Kesel               Livonia                22:49        (55.3 )
175. Daniel Langdon            Oakfield-Alabama       22:52        (54.3 )
176. Alex Finazzo              Livonia                22:53        (54.0 )
177. Jeff Fairbroher           Cal-Mum                22:55        (53.3 )
178. Ken Ryan                  Holley                 23:02        (51.0 )
179. Ed Englerth               Leroy                  23:02.5      (50.8 )
180. Bryan Gardner             H-F-L                  23:03        (50.7 )
181. Bobby Wood                Pavilion               23:06        (49.7 )
182. Mark Zoccall              Leroy                  23:11        (48.0 )
183. Gary Merritt              Leroy                  23:12        (47.7 )
184. Matt Sharman              Livonia                23:18        (45.7 )
185. Paul Snell                Kendall                23:20        (45.0 )
186. Andy Lipnicky             Oakfield-Alabama       23:29        (42.0 )
187. Ben Amey                  Avon                   23:37        (39.3 )
188. Shea O’Connor             Notre Dame             23:42        (37.7 )
189. Dave Dodge                Leroy                  23:44        (37.0 )
190. Mike Geer                 Notre Dame             23:53        (34.0 )
191. Steve Miller              Leroy                  23:55        (33.3 )
192. Andy Garber               Pembroke               24:05        (30.0 )
193. Bryan Smith               Bath                   24:07        (29.3 )
194. Joe Finazzo               Livonia                24:16        (26.3 )
195. Eike Pfeifer              H-F-L                  24:17        (26.0 )
196. Andrew Sarratori          Keshequa               24:20        (25.0 )
197. Josh Bassett              H-F-L                  24:26        (23.0 )
198. Billy Lista               Livonia                24:28        (22.3 )
199. John Langdon              Byron-Bergen           24:37        (19.3 )
200. Ian Tomeo                 Livonia                24:51        (14.7 )
201. Matt Novak                Oakfield-Alabama       24:54        (13.7 )
202. Ricky Sia                 Leroy                  24:59        (12.0 )
203. Alex Pankratz             Livonia                25:02        (11.0 )
204. Jerome George             Oakfield-Alabama       25:02.8      (10.7 )
205. Eli Austin                Holley                 25:03        (10.7 )
206. Tyler Quaranto            Holley                 25:11        (8.0  )
207. Chris Sarratori           Keshequa               25:14        (7.0  )
208. Chris Bogan               Notre Dame             25:16        (6.3  )
209. Kyle Bilby                Oakfield-Alabama       25:17        (6.0  )
210. Nick Seitzinger           Holley                 26:17
211. Josh Phelps               Leroy                  26:35
212. Tim Mitchell              Kendall                27:13
213. BrandonBenett             Livonia                27:27
214. Jason Knickerbocker       Notre Dame             27:31
215. Charles Provorse          Keshequa               28:31
216. Steve Gould               Pavilion               29:41
217. Dan Halter                Kendall                30:40
218. Jon DeYoung               Holley                 33:18
219. Pat Carr                  Byron-Bergen           35:46      


 Girls Results


     NAME                      SCHOOL                 TIME        (Rating)
1.   Liz Deir                  H-F-L                  18:30        (143.0)
2.   Jessica Bradley           Pavilion               19:17        (127.3)
3.   Audrey Mangan             H-F-L                  19:37        (120.7)
4.   Megan VanHouten           H-H-L                  20:11        (109.3)
5.   Sara Kirsch               Attica                 20:26        (104.3)
6.   Maureen McAnany           Hornell                20:44        (98.3 )
7.   Brittany Lillie           H-H-L                  20:45        (98.0 )
8.   Gillian Taylor            Byron-Bergen           20:46        (97.7 )
9.   Margaret Infantino        Dansville              20:47        (97.3 )
10.  Kate Banford              H-F-L                  20:50        (96.3 )
11.  Justine Swartz            Attica                 20:51        (96.0 )
12.  Emma Denton               H-F-L                  21:08        (90.3 )
13.  Laura Bryan               H-F-L                  21:09        (90.0 )
14.  Tatiana Pallagi           Avon                   21:18        (87.0 )
15.  Liz DeLong                Dansville              21:19        (86.7 )
16.  Liz Banker                Geneseo                21:22        (85.7 )
17.  AmberHildreth             Geneseo                21:22.7      (85.4 )
18.  Julie Dunne               H-F-L                  21:25        (84.7 )
19.  Ashley Calarco            Notre Dame             21:27        (84.0 )
20.  Kim Mills                 Oakfield-Alabama       21:30        (83.0 )
21.  SaraSalzbach              Attica                 21:31        (82.7 )
22.  Amanda Zielonka           Alexander              21:35        (81.3 )
23.  Kelly Hollenbeck          Byron-Begen            21:37        (80.7 )
24.  Amanda Conklin            Livonia                21:38        (80.3 )
25.  Caitlin McAneney          Hornell                21:38.5      (80.2 )
26.  Sashlee Pallagi           Avon                   21:39        (80.0 )
27.  Alex Mustardo             H-F-L                  21:41        (79.3 )
28.  Rachel Mumau              Oakfield-Alabama       21:49        (76.7 )
29.  Becky Grevensted          H-F-L                  22:04        (71.7 )
30.  Jillian Putney            Dansville              22:04.5      (71.5 )
31.  Katie Bastine             Wayland-Cohocton       22:08        (70.3 )
32.  Maddy Griep               Pavilion               22:09        (70.0 )
33.  Brianna Worthington       Byron-Bergen           22:09.5      (69.8 )
34.  Leigh Clayton             Byron-Bergen           22:10        (69.7 )
35.  Korie Eckert              H-F-L                  22:13        (68.7 )
36.  Val Ulm                   Attica                 22:16.2      (67.6 )
37.  Katie Burkhardt           Geneseo                22:16.5      (67.5 )
38.  Kim Gabbey                Pembroke               22:17        (67.3 )
39.  Diana Pratt               Avon                   22:23        (65.3 )
40.  Jena Thielges             Geneseo                22:26        (64.3 )
41.  Neena Johnson             Avon                   22:27        (64.0 )
42.  Emily Reis                Byron-Bergen           22:36        (61.0 )
43.  Tonya Biongiovanni        Livonia                22:38        (60.3 )
44.  Susan Pratt               Avon                   22:41        (59.3 )
45.  Erin McTarnaghan          Geneseo                22:46        (57.7 )
46.  Sarah Zawistowski         Byron-Bergen           22:48        (57.0 )
47.  Heather Henderson         H-F-L                  22:49        (56.7 )
48.  Patty Lehman              Hornell                22:53        (55.3 )
49.  Michelle Kubiak           Hornell                22:54        (55.0 )
50.  Bryanna Gillette          H-F-L                  22:55        (54.7 )
51.  Lacey Fox                 Livonia                22:56.2      (54.3 )
52.  Abby Decker               Wayland-Cohocton       22:56.6      (54.1 )
53.  Alyssa Hopkins            Mt. Morris             22:56.9      (54.0 )
54.  Holley Papke              Attica                 22:58        (53.7 )
55.  Sarah Cox                 H-F-L                  23:01        (52.7 )
56.  Rachel Neilans            Notre Dame             23:01.6      (52.5 )
57.  Ashley Metz               Attica                 23:05        (51.3 )
58.  Laura Noble               Pavilion               23:15        (48.0 )
59.  Taryn Moskal              Notre Dame             23:20        (46.3 )
60.  Amanda Callanan           Caledonia-Mumford      23:25        (44.7 )
61.  Megan Rauber              Wayland-Cohocton       23:27        (44.0 )
62.  Kaylee Engle              Byron-Bergen           23:31        (42.7 )
63.  Rachel Rauber             Wayland-Cohocton       23:34        (41.7 )
64.  Beth Watson               Dansville              23:34.9      (41.4 )
65.  Mindy Bellinger           Attica                 23:36        (41.0 )
66.  Kaitlin Larson            Wayland-Cohocton       23:37        (40.7 )
67.  Katie Dixson              Oakfield-Alabama       23:40        (39.7 )
68.  Nicole Dylag              Attica                 23:42        (39.0 )
69.  Samantha Bastine          Wayland-Cohocton       23:42.6      (38.8 )
70.  Leah Peterson             Geneseo                23:44.4      (38.2 )
71.  Chelsea Witnauer          Geneseo                23:45        (38.0 )
72.  Katie Piechowiak          Attica                 23:47.2      (37.3 )
73.  Erin York                 H-F-L                  23:47.8      (37.1 )
74.  Emily Holland             Holley                 23:58        (33.7 )
75.  Meg Hough                 H-F-L                  24:00        (33.0 )
76.  Courtney Fitzpatrick      Wayland-Cohocton       24:08        (30.3 )
77.  Jessica Ehrmentraut       Notre Dame             24:10        (29.7 )
78.  Allynne O’Hearn           Hornell                24:12        (29.0 )
79.  Rachel Deir               H-F-L                  24:15        (28.0 )
80   Jenna Raup                H-F-L                  24:17        (27.3 )
81.  Brittany Bryson           Mt.Morris              24:21        (26.0 )
82.  Kerri Boyle               Oakfield-Alabama       24:22        (25.7 )
83.  Emily Bauer               Wayland-Cohocton       24:23        (25.3 )
84.  Alyssa Infantino          Dansville              24:28        (23.7 )
85.  Marigot Lustik            H-F-L                  24:29        (23.3 )
86.  Carolyn Gahr              Notre Dame             24:31        (22.7 )
87.  Angela Larmon             Oakfield-Alabama       24:37        (20.7 )
88.  Stephanie Seward          Pembroke               24:42        (19.0 )
89.  Jessica Tette             Livonia                24:43        (18.7 )
90.  Sarah Lamphear            Byron-Bergen           24:44        (18.3 )
91.  Sara Reome                Livonia                24:45        (18.0 )
92.  Hannah Skubis             Pembroke               24:51        (16.0 )
93.  Lauren Ciurzynski         Attica                 24:53        (15.3 )
94.  CoryAnn Salzbach          Attica                 24:58        (13.7 )
95.  Marrissa List             Byron-Bergen           25:03        (12.0 )
96.  Becca Huber               Livonia                25:04        (11.7 )
97.  Ashley Hanchette          Mt. Morris             25:10        (9.7  )
98.  Jill Tobin                H-F-L                  25:10.8      (9.4  )
99.  Mariel Masshafen          Wheatland-Chili        25:11        (9.3  )
100. Haley Alexander           Notre Dame             25:12        (9.0  )
101. Ciera Carhart             Leroy                  25:19        (6.7  )
102. Kelly Feraro              H-F-L                  25:23        (5.3  )
103. Brittany Jones            Wheatland-Chili        25:41
104. Courtney Washington       H-F-L                  25:43
105. Emily Wells               Avon                   25:45
106. Cassie Miller             Livonia                25:59
107. Jamie Secor               Geneseo                26:05
108. Diane Jeffers             Livonia                26:06
109. Jen Lazarony              Pembroke               26:09
110. Amy Gambino               Geneseo                26:11
111. Lisa Papke                Attica                 26:22
112. Rachel Cuffney            H-F-L                  26:24
113. Carly Beachy              Attica                 26:23
114. Evie Kosek                Attica                 26:36
115. Chelsea Baker             Leroy                  26:38
116. Jordan Wright             Leroy                  26:42
117. Amelia Harrison           Pembroke               26:47
118. Becky Wetzel              Leroy                  27:05
119. Hannah Pribek             Oakfield-Alabama       27:13
120. Amanda Montgomery         Holley                 27:20
121. Jen Smith                 Holley                 27:26
122. Amanda Buczek             Oakfield-Alabama       27:26.6
123. Mandy McLaughlin          Byron-Bergen           27:29
124. Tara Hastings             H-F-L                  27:33
125. Brittany Blodgett         Bath                   27:34
126. Alesha Hall               Caledonia-Mumford      27:42
127. Lisa Panipinto            Livonia                27:44
128. Karly Sawicki             Caledonia-Mumford      27:48
129. Kayla Fritz               Pembroke               27:49
130. Amy Tennity               Kendall                27:49.8
131. Melanie Gemerek           Holley                 27:53
132. Jessica Kunker            Holley                 27:57
133. Julia Hansen              Holley                 28:00
134. Carrie Cook               Holley                 28:01
135. Emilie Wetzel             Leroy                  28:02
136. Kaitlyn Grouse            Livonia                28:09
137. Amanda Case               Wayland-Cohocton       28:13
138. Johannah Kohl             Pembroke               28:23
139. Chelsey Limner            Caledonia-Mumford      28:23.8
140  Gloria Snyder             Caledonia-Mumford      28:24
141. Brianna Buczek            Oakfield-Alabama       28:34
142. Ali Zobel                 Avon                   28:43
143. Nicole Carlton            Wheatland-chili        28:52
144. Katie Scarborough         Oakfield-Alabama       28:53
145  Danielle Lovett           Byron-Bergen           29:05
146. Rachel Czerniak           Byron-Bergen           29:06
147. Desiree Shoylenburg       Mt. Morris             29:23
148. Stephanie Capers          Wheatland-Chili        29:41
149. Maddi Bradt               Wheatland-Chili        29:49
150. Kristina Buckmaster       Hornell                29:50
151. Diana Bullwinkle          Caledonia-Mumford      29:53
152. Tiffany Smith             Mt. Morrris            30:19
153. Samantha Strang           Wheatland-Chili        30:28
154. Anne Girven               Wheatland-Chili        30:29
155. Jasmine Harris            Wayland-Cohocton       31:20
156. Justine Rose              Hornell                31:38
157. Molly Eadie               Leroy                  32:10
158. Anne VenVertloh           Wheatland-Chili        34:33
159. Laura Marrott             Wheatland-Chili        35:00
160  Sunny Biferalla           Attica                 35:34
161. Charlene Tidd             Oakfield-Alabama       41:53