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 Results  - Marathon Invitational 2015

 ... October 24, 2015 (Marathon Elementary, Section 4)

Results courtesy Kyle Brazeil (NY MileSplit) & Todd James (Marathon) ...

Complete Results in PDF format (including Modified & Team Summaries) ]

 ... Only Varsity & JV Results listed Below (see PDF file for complete results) ...

[ Girls Varsity Results ]


 Boys Varsity & JV Results

Boys Varsity (Seeded Race)

Small Division:
    1. Watkins Glen                         23     4. Elmira Notre Dame                   102
    2. Newark Valley                        72     5. Windsor                             115
    3. Marcellus                            76     6. Oneonta                             130

Large Division:
    1. Maine Endwell                        20     3. Corning                              74
    2. West Genesee                         46     4. Ithaca                              100

Overall Results
    1. Maine Endwell                        32     6. Marcellus                           152
    2. Watkins Glen                         52     7. Elmira Notre Dame                   197
    3. West Genesee                         86     8. Ithaca                              199
    4. Corning                             136     9. Windsor                             215
    5. Newark Valley                       149    10. Oneonta                             236

Boys Varsity (Seeded Race)

  FIN   NAME                     TEAM                                     NUM    RESULTS   PTS     Speed Rating
    1.  Dan Schaffer (12)        Maine Endwell                           1878    16:02.1     1     188.30   188
    2.  David Leff (11)          West Genesee                            1918    16:34.5     2     177.50   178
    3.  Luke Sutton (12)         Susquehanna Valley                      1897    16:46.2     -     173.60   174
    4.  Patrick Hazlitt (11)     Watkins Glen                            1906    16:54.1     3     170.97   171
    5.  Grayson Hoteling (12)    Maine Endwell                           1876    16:55.6     4     170.47   170
    6.  Connor Oakman (12)       Lafayette                               1864    16:56.4     -     170.20   170
    7.  Nick Taylor (12)         Maine Endwell                           1881    17:04.5     5     167.50   168
    8.  Shawn Rutledge (11)      Watkins Glen                            1912    17:18.2     6     162.93   163
    9.  Gabe Planty (8)          Watkins Glen                            1911    17:19.3     7     162.57   163
   10.  Pat Mcguane (12)         Marcellus                               1869    17:22.5     8     161.50   162
   11.  Matt Goyden (11)         Maine Endwell                           1874    17:23.4     9     161.20   161
   12.  Matt Karee (11)          Elmira Notre Dame                       1853    17:23.9    10     161.03   161
   13.  Josh Blazey (11)         Newark Valley                           1884    17:24.5    11     160.83   161
   14.  Sean Byrnes (10)         West Genesee                            1914    17:27.7    12     159.77   160
   15.  Parker Stokes (9)        Maine Endwell                           1880    17:28.3    13     159.57   160
   16.  Landon Reed (12)         Windsor                                 1927    17:28.8    14     159.40   159
   17.  Ryan Dunning (11)        West Genesee                            1915    17:42.9    15     154.70   155
   18.  Sam Hanley (11)          Watkins Glen                            1905    17:44.7    16     154.10   154
   19.  Nathan Prisella (11)     Corning                                 1849    17:48.3    17     152.90   153
   20.  Terrence Sinclair (11)   Maine Endwell                           1879    17:48.8     P     152.73   153
   21.  Spierling Robert (10)    Maine Endwell                           1877    17:49.3     P     152.57   153
   22.  James Hackett (12)       Maine Endwell                           1875    17:53.1     -     151.30   151
   23.  Jacob Carocci (11)       Watkins Glen                            1904    17:59.8    20     149.07   149
   24.  Sean O'brien (11)        West Genesee                            1919    18:00.3    21     148.90   149
   25.  Liam O'reilly (12)       Corning                                 1848    18:01.3    22     148.57   149
   26.  Daniel Paradiso (10)     Watkins Glen                            1908    18:03.3     P     147.90   148
   27.  Darren Rich (10)         Ithaca                                  1862    18:04.4    24     147.53   148
   28.  Owen Juan (9)            Corning                                 1846    18:04.9    25     147.37   147
   29.  Chris Dutcher (12)       Newark Valley                           1885    18:07.1    26     146.63   147
   30.  Zach Miller (11)         Newark Valley                           1888    18:09.8    27     145.73   146
   31.  Paul Zimmer (9)          Oneonta                                 1896    18:10.2    28     145.60   146
   32.  Michael Brown (11)       Marcellus                               1865    18:10.7    29     145.43   145
   33.  Brody Hayes glick (9)    Corning                                 1845    18:11.1    30     145.30   145
   34.  Sean Raymond (11)        Marcellus                               1871    18:11.5    31     145.17   145
   35.  Joel Wheeler (11)        Maine Endwell                           1882    18:13.3     -     144.57   145
   36.  Ethan Mosure (10)        Marcellus                               1870    18:13.8    32     144.40   144
   37.  Sean Holland (10)        Watkins Glen                            1907    18:16.0     P     143.67   144
   38.  Jon Miller (11)          Oneonta                                 1893    18:16.3    34     143.57   144
   39.  Kieran Loehr (12)        Ithaca                                  1860    18:16.7    35     143.43   143
   40.  Hunter Buza (12)         West Genesee                            1913    18:17.1    36     143.30   143
   41.  Trevor.. Pietrowski (11) Windsor                                 1926    18:18.5    37     142.83   143
   42.  Vinny Gettino (12)       West Genesee                            1916    18:19.5     P     142.50   143
   43.  Noah Mattice (10)        Ithaca                                  1861    18:20.2    39     142.27   142
   44.  Kevin Basel (12)         Newark Valley                           1883    18:24.4    40     140.87   141
   45.  Nico Tripeny (10)        Elmira Notre Dame                       1855    18:28.7    41     139.43   139
   46.  Sam Mertus (12)          Corning                                 1847    18:31.8    42     138.40   138
   47.  Grayson Campbell (11)    Corning                                 1841    18:34.3     P     137.57   138
   48.  Frank Vassallo (10)      Elmira Notre Dame                       1856    18:34.8    44     137.40   137
   49.  Brandon Pike (12)        Watkins Glen                            1909    18:40.6     -     135.47   135
   50.  Aaron Planty (10)        Watkins Glen                            1910    18:41.1     -     135.30   135
   51.  Nick. Miller (12)        Newark Valley                           1887    18:41.5    45     135.17   135
   52.  Liam Flynn (9)           Oneonta                                 1891    18:42.0    46     135.00   135
   53.  Matt Connolly (10)       Elmira Notre Dame                       1851    18:43.6    47     134.47   134
   54.  John Cleary (9)          Corning                                 1843    18:45.0     P     134.00   134
   55.  Tyler Mucci (11)         Windsor                                 1925    18:52.0    49     131.67   132
   56.  Soren Jung (11)          Ithaca                                  1859    18:59.8    50     129.07   129
   57.  Tommy Christen (9)       Ithaca                                  1857    19:01.3    51     128.57   129
   58.  Michael Welch (11)       Marcellus                               1873    19:05.3    52     127.23   127
   59.  Britton Cook (10)        Corning                                 1844    19:07.2     -     126.60   127
   60.  Scott Smith (10)         Ithaca                                  1863    19:12.0     P     125.00   125
   61.  Quinn Campbell (9)       Corning                                 1842    19:16.3     -     123.57   124
   62.  Grayson Hoag (9)         Marcellus                               1867    19:22.5     P     121.50   122
   63.  Justin. Bauco (10)       Elmira Notre Dame                       1850    19:23.2    55     121.27   121
   64.  Collin Wing (11)         Newark Valley                           1889    19:24.4     P     120.87   121
   65.  Jon Fives (12)           Windsor                                 1921    19:25.4    57     120.53   121
   66.  Grant Colwell (11)       Windsor                                 1920    19:28.3    58     119.57   120
   67.  Mcdaniels Mikey (09)     Windsor                                 1924    19:28.9     P     119.37   119
   68.  Tyler Maule (11)         Newark Valley                           1886    19:30.9     P     118.70   119
   69.  Michael Mcnally (12)     Windsor                                 1923    19:52.9     P     111.37   111
   70.  Riley Theleman (12)      Windsor                                 1928    19:58.7     -     109.43   109
   71.  Riley Burns (11)         Marcellus                               1866    20:02.1     P     108.30   108
   72.  Max Orgeron (10)         Oneonta                                 1894    20:11.4    63     105.20   105
   73.  Tristan Engst (11)       Ithaca                                  1858    20:12.1     P     104.97   105
   74.  Andrew Stanton (11)      Oneonta                                 1895    20:18.7    65     102.77   103
   75.  Gabe House (9)           Oneonta                                 1892    20:31.4     P     98.53    99
   76.  Ben Mannix (12)          Windsor                                 1922    20:38.5     -     96.17    96
   77.  Maverick Keegan (12)     Marcellus                               2286    21:49.9     -     72.37    72
   78.  Jt Ryan (9)              Elmira Notre Dame                       1854    24:16.3     P     23.57    24

Boys Varsity (Unseeded Race)
    1. Horseheads                          105    12. Chenango Forks                      319
    2. Binghamton                          114    13. Lansing                             354
    3. Union Endicott                      126    14. Johnson City                        364
    4. Marathon                            129    15. Thomas A. Edison                    365
    5. Jordan Elbridge                     138    16. Spencer Van Etten                   371
    6. Delhi                               181    17. Edmeston                            418
    7. West Genesee                        195    18. Lafayette                           427
    8. Maine Endwell                       210    19. Waverly                             527
    9. Corning                             237    20. Moravia                             532
   10. Norwich                             271    21. Dryden                              537
   11. Chenango Valley                     285    22. Cortland                            559

                                    MEN'S Var Boys Unseeded

                                       INDIVIDUAL RESULTS

  FIN   NAME                     TEAM                                     NUM    RESULTS   PTS     Speed Rating
    1.  Declan Kottmeier (12)    Delhi                                   1673    17:16.1     1     163.63   164
    2.  Noah Farrelly (10)       Binghamton                              1632    17:41.4     2     155.20   155
    3.  Hunter Brunelle (10)     Jordan Elbridge                         1723    17:45.1     3     153.97   154
    4.  Vince Putrino (12)       Binghamton                              1636    17:49.9     4     152.37   152
    5.  Jesse Walley (10)        Marathon                                1751    17:54.2     5     150.93   151
    6.  Benerick Devon (10)      Union Endicott                          1806    17:54.6     6     150.80   151
    7.  Joe Devona (12)          Afton Harpursville                      1626    17:57.0     -     150.00   150
    8.  Ben Ericksen (11)        Norwich                                 1769    18:03.0     7     148.00   148
    9.  Devin Woodworth (9)      Horseheads                              1712    18:05.0     8     147.33   147
   10.  Matt Johnson (10)        Afton Harpursville                      1628    18:09.7     -     145.77   146
   11.  Russell Graziano (11)    West Genesee                            1821    18:12.8     9     144.73   145
   12.  Will Armstrong (12)      Horseheads                              1707    18:18.1    10     142.97   143
   13.  Lucas Baker (09)         Marathon                                1746    18:25.5    11     140.50   141
   14.  Jared Alpha (10)         Jordan Elbridge                         1721    18:26.1    12     140.30   140
   15.  Jakob Richards (10)      Union Endicott                          1810    18:27.0    13     140.00   140
   16.  Ryan Hornbeck (12)       Deposit Hancock                         1681    18:29.2     -     139.27   139
   17.  Marcus Cashman (9)       Norwich                                 1768    18:31.0    14     138.67   139
   18.  Cooper Maney (12)        Delhi                                   1674    18:32.0    15     138.33   138
   19.  Aiden Gann (11)          Sullivan West                           1796    18:35.1     -     137.30   137
   20.  Matt Igo (11)            Chenango Valley                         1665    18:41.1    16     135.30   135
   21.  Sam Carter (10)          Johnson City                            1715    18:42.7    17     134.77   135
   22.  Jacob Scibek (8)         Horseheads                              1711    18:43.3    18     134.57   135
   23.  Andy Doland (12)         Thomas A. Edison                        1802    18:52.1    19     131.63   132
   24.  Jerome Wiggins (12)      Binghamton                              1638    18:53.6    20     131.13   131
   25.  Jacob Lange (12)         Lansing                                 1741    18:54.1    21     130.97   131
   26.  Michael Beach (12)       Thomas A. Edison                        1800    18:57.4    22     129.87   130
   27.  Matt Kurkoski (10)       Maine Endwell                           1753    18:58.5    23     129.50   130
   28.  Robert Jadoski (12)      Horseheads                              1710    18:58.9    24     129.37   129
   29.  Newman Louis (11)        Union Endicott                          1808    18:59.5    25     129.17   129
   30.  Dean Plaskon (10)        Maine Endwell                           1755    19:00.0    26     129.00   129
   31.  Kenneth Westbrook (10)   Binghamton                              1637    19:00.5    27     128.83   129
   32.  Hugh Schader (10)        Jordan Elbridge                         1727    19:00.9    28     128.70   129
   33.  Logan Murray (12)        Edmeston                                1701    19:01.9    29     128.37   128
   34.  Robert Brehm (9)         Groton                                  1703    19:02.8     -     128.07   128
   35.  Ethan Kinney (10)        Jordan Elbridge                         1725    19:03.3    30     127.90   128
   36.  Hunter Flynn (12)        Sullivan West                           1794    19:06.3     -     126.90   127
   37.  Corey Mead (12)          Spencer Van Etten                       1789    19:06.8    31     126.73   127
   38.  Ethan Elliott (12)       Chenango Valley                         1663    19:07.2    32     126.60   127
   39.  Ben Davis (11)           Southern Cayuga                         1781    19:07.7     -     126.43   126
   40.  Austin Fiske (12)        Marathon                                1747    19:08.1    33     126.30   126
   41.  Dolphin Josh (10)        Union Endicott                          1807    19:08.6    34     126.13   126
   42.  Trevor Prutsman (10)     Corning                                 1650    19:09.1    35     125.97   126
   43.  Zach Taylor (12)         Maine Endwell                           1757    19:09.5    36     125.83   126
   44.  Mark Dellefave (12)      West Genesee                            1820    19:09.9    37     125.70   126
   45.  Hans Hilson-schneide (10)Delhi                                   1672    19:10.4    38     125.53   126
   46.  Zachary O'rourke (11)    Marathon                                1750    19:10.9    39     125.37   125
   47.  Paul Stannard (10)       West Genesee                            1825    19:11.2    40     125.27   125
   48.  Daniel Harden (12)       Marathon                                1748    19:11.6    41     125.13   125
   49.  Ethan Murray (11)        Lafayette                               1733    19:12.0    42     125.00   125
   50.  Aidan Houlihan (11)      Chenango Forks                          1642    19:13.9    43     124.37   124
   51.  Kelvin Green (12)        Dryden                                  1689    19:14.3    44     124.23   124
   52.  Mubeen Zainul (9)        Horseheads                              1713    19:16.4    45     123.53   124
   53.  Levi Mickelson (09)      Spencer Van Etten                       1790    19:19.7    46     122.43   122
   54.  Camden Zaidel (9)        Corning                                 1654    19:23.6    47     121.13   121
   55.  Williams Mason (12)      Union Endicott                          1809    19:26.9    48     120.03   120
   56.  Jack Richards (10)       West Genesee                            1824    19:27.5    49     119.83   120
   57.  Nicholas. Miller (10)    Susquehanna Valley                      1786    19:27.9     -     119.70   120
   58.  Billy Tucker (12)        Corning                                 1653    19:28.4    50     119.53   120
   59.  Andrew Marcellin (11)    Corning                                 1649    19:32.9    51     118.03   118
   60.  Richard Moore (10)       Groton                                  1704    19:34.1     -     117.63   118
   61.  Alex Padovani (11)       Delhi                                   1675    19:35.0    52     117.33   117
   62.  Matthew Bauman (11)      Horseheads                              1709    19:35.7     P     117.10   117
   63.  Kyle Lorey (12)          Corning                                 1648    19:37.0    54     116.67   117
   64.  Jonathan Dunham (12)     Edmeston                                1696    19:37.6    55     116.47   116
   65.  Liam Hulsebosch (10)     Lansing                                 1740    19:38.4    56     116.20   116
   66.  Zabinski Tyler (11)      Union Endicott                          1811    19:39.8     P     115.73   116
   67.  Matt Conklin (09)        Chenango Forks                          1639    19:40.4    58     115.53   116
   68.  Colin Machaffie (12)     Maine Endwell                           1754    19:41.1    59     115.30   115
   69.  Ryan North (12)          West Genesee                            1823    19:41.6    60     115.13   115
   70.  Ryan Hall (11)           Binghamton                              1634    19:44.6    61     114.13   114
   71.  Noah Bufalini (8)        Norwich                                 1766    19:47.7    62     113.10   113
   72.  Aaron Spaulding (12)     Johnson City                            1720    19:48.3    63     112.90   113
   73.  Patrick Macko (12)       West Genesee                            1822    19:49.7     P     112.43   112
   74.  Matt Sheldon (9)         Jordan Elbridge                         1728    19:50.4    65     112.20   112
   75.  Jackson Haberli (11)     Sullivan West                           1797    19:50.8     -     112.07   112
   76.  Alex Zwierzynski (12)    Maine Endwell                           1758    19:51.2    66     111.93   112
   77.  Kevin Taylor (12)        Chenango Valley                         1668    19:52.7    67     111.43   111
   78.  Peter Wood (11)          Chenango Forks                          1645    20:04.6    68     107.47   107
   79.  Emerson Shenandoah (12)  Lafayette                               1736    20:06.0    69     107.00   107
   80.  Pat Trivison (10)        West Genesee                            1826    20:06.8     P     106.73   107
   81.  Brandon Kipp (11)        Chenango Valley                         1666    20:07.7    71     106.43   106
   82.  Austin Mead (12)         Moravia                                 1759    20:08.2    72     106.27   106
   83.  Matt Rebis (10)          Corning                                 1651    20:08.8     P     106.07   106
   84.  Kyle Matson (11)         Chenango Forks                          1643    20:12.6    74     104.80   105
   85.  Shane Bray (10)          Delhi                                   1669    20:13.1    75     104.63   105
   86.  Brennan Goetz (10)       Chenango Forks                          1641    20:15.5    76     103.83   104
   87.  Ty Saleman (8)           Delhi                                   1676    20:15.9     P     103.70   104
   88.  Jacob Pierson (11)       Chenango Forks                          1644    20:20.3     P     102.23   102
   89.  Connor Nichols (11)      Norwich                                 1771    20:20.9    79     102.03   102
   90.  Marcus Koesterer (SR)    Cortland                                1658    20:22.7    80     101.43   101
   91.  Kevin Harmer (11)        Thomas A. Edison                        1804    20:23.8    81     101.07   101
   92.  Danny Jorolemon (10)     Jordan Elbridge                         1724    20:25.5     P     100.50   101
   93.  Brycen. Burak (09)       Deposit Hancock                         1678    20:25.8     -     100.40   100
   94.  Brian Gillette (09)      Spencer Van Etten                       1787    20:32.2    83     98.27    98
   95.  Bryson Balash (10)       Horseheads                              1708    20:32.7     P     98.10    98
   96.  Trevor Terry (11)        Delhi                                   1677    20:35.1     P     97.30    97
   97.  Brendan.. Stone (12)     Corning                                 1652    20:37.2     P     96.60    97
   98.  Robert Crissell (12)     Deposit Hancock                         1680    20:40.2     -     95.60    96
   99.  Mike. Larock (10)        Waverly                                 1814    20:40.8    87     95.40    95
  100.  Jared Russell (09)       Moravia                                 1762    20:41.5    88     95.17    95
  101.  Xavier Gell (10)         Lansing                                 1739    20:42.1    89     94.97    95
  102.  Jeremy Reynolds (11)     Lafayette                               1734    20:45.3    90     93.90    94
  103.  Jake Kabat (11)          Johnson City                            1717    20:45.9    91     93.70    94
  104.  Jack Cook (09)           Johnson City                            1716    20:54.4    92     90.87    91
  105.  Alec. Broschart (10)     Seton Catholic                          1784    20:56.0     -     90.33    90
  106.  Anders Gartenberg (10)   Lansing                                 1738    21:02.5    93     88.17    88
  107.  Nick Dimatos (11)        Chenango Forks                          1640    21:07.2     P     86.60    87
  108.  Sean Ross (9)            Lansing                                 1742    21:07.6    95     86.47    86
  109.  Ladd Hunter (11)         Marathon                                1749    21:08.2     P     86.27    86
  110.  Jon White (12)           Downsville                              1686    21:14.8     -     84.07    84
  111.  Collin Wright (7)        Waverly                                 1819    21:15.2    97     83.93    84
  112.  Patrick Moon (09)        Deposit Hancock                         1682    21:17.2     -     83.27    83
  113.  Sam Madison (11)         Edmeston                                1699    21:17.7    98     83.10    83
  114.  Rudy Cen (12)            Chenango Valley                         1661    21:19.2    99     82.60    83
  115.  Kyle Corey (11)          Chenango Valley                         1662    21:21.4     P     81.87    82
  116.  Josh Nowak (09)          Johnson City                            1719    21:22.0   101     81.67    82
  117.  Walker Berryment (09)    Edmeston                                1695    21:26.0   102     80.33    80
  118.  Zachary Redfield (10)    Groton                                  1705    21:26.3     -     80.23    80
  119.  Will Towsley (12)        Downsville                              1685    21:32.4     -     78.20    78
  120.  Derick. Wilson (12)      Afton Harpursville                      1630    21:33.2     -     77.93    78
  121.  Alan Bixby (09)          Johnson City                            1714    21:33.7     P     77.77    78
  122.  Tom Clark (11)           Liberty                                 1743    21:35.1     -     77.30    77
  123.  Jake Lehr (12)           Chenango Valley                         1667    21:38.5     P     76.17    76
  124.  Adam Simonton (10)       Spencer Van Etten                       1792    21:41.6   105     75.13    75
  125.  Tanner Green (11)        Spencer Van Etten                       1788    21:42.0   106     75.00    75
  126.  Elijah Maurer (12)       Johnson City                            1718    21:44.4     P     74.20    74
  127.  Mike Emm (SR)            Cortland                                1656    21:47.2   108     73.27    73
  128.  Michael Cardoza (11)     Norwich                                 1767    21:49.8   109     72.40    72
  129.  Dylan. Ward (9)          Waverly                                 1818    21:50.4   110     72.20    72
  130.  Griffin Scarlata (10)    Groton                                  1706    21:51.9     -     71.70    72
  131.  Jared Vascoe (11)        Waverly                                 1817    21:54.0   111     71.00    71
  132.  Devon Scott (11)         Lafayette                               1735    21:57.1   112     69.97    70
  133.  Gavin. Derick (12)       Corning                                 1646    21:57.5     -     69.83    70
  134.  Toby Whitener (09)       Dryden                                  1694    21:58.3   113     69.57    70
  135.  Dan. Conover (09)        Lafayette                               1731    21:58.8   114     69.40    69
  136.  Clay Boyce (SO)          Cortland                                1655    22:04.3   115     67.57    68
  137.  Jayson Edwards (12)      Binghamton                              1631    22:07.3     P     66.57    67
  138.  Alex. Pritchard (12)     Afton Harpursville                      1629    22:13.8     -     64.40    64
  139.  Chris Becker (12)        Thomas A. Edison                        1801    22:16.7   117     63.43    63
  140.  Mike Smith (10)          Moravia                                 1764    22:17.3   118     63.23    63
  141.  Logan Kinney (9)         Jordan Elbridge                         1726    22:26.9     P     60.03    60
  142.  Jack Caughey (08)        Lafayette                               1729    22:30.0     P     59.00    59
  143.  Stanton Baker (9)        Norwich                                 1765    22:43.0     P     54.67    55
  144.  Sean Church (12)         Southern Cayuga                         1780    22:45.9     -     53.70    54
  145.  Nate Mattison (11)       Waverly                                 1816    23:01.1   122     48.63    49
  146.  Justin Scheidweiler (10) Dryden                                  1691    23:08.7   123     46.10    46
  147.  Noah Lieberman (SO)      Cortland                                1659    23:11.9   124     45.03    45
  148.  Kyle. Simmons (11)       Liberty                                 1745    23:28.3     -     39.57    40
  149.  Adam Jones (10)          Downsville                              1684    24:07.4     -     26.53    27
  150.  Alex Scholeno (10)       Moravia                                 1763    24:07.9   125     26.37    26
  151.  Koby Punchard (12)       Thomas A. Edison                        1805    24:30.9   126     18.70    19
  152.  Brandon Clark (10)       Dryden                                  1687    25:05.7   127     7.10     7
  153.  Chris. Johnson (10)      Waverly                                 1813    25:19.1     P
  154.  Andrew Michas (10)       Moravia                                 1760    26:10.3   129
  155.  Peter Graney (09)        Dryden                                  1688    26:41.3   130
  156.  Zach Lockwood (11)       Waverly                                 1815    26:49.3     P
  157.  Max Seymour (SR)         Cortland                                1660    28:01.7   132
  158.  Sam Forrester (FR)       Cortland                                1657    29:22.5     P
  159.  Cameron Kellogg (11)     Edmeston                                1697    29:45.8   134
  160.  Andrew Mcdaniel (09)     Dryden                                  1690    29:46.7     P
  161.  Brian Knorr (12)         Edmeston                                1698    30:28.9     P
  162.  Alex Wakeman (09)        Dryden                                  1692    41:33.1     P

Boys Junior Varsity
    1. West Genesee                         15     8. Windsor                             229
    2. Ithaca                               56     9. Maine Endwell                       242
    3. Union Endicott                      122    10. Corning                             262
    4. Chenango Forks                      133    11. Johnson City                        293
    5. Newark Valley                       165    12. Binghamton                          305
    6. Horseheads                          180    13. Chenango Valley                     307
    7. Marcellus                           210    14. Jordan Elbridge                     416

                                         MEN'S JV Boys

                                       INDIVIDUAL RESULTS

  FIN   NAME                     TEAM                                     NUM    RESULTS   PTS     Speed Rating
    1.  Chris Petosa (12)        West Genesee                            2340    19:07.4     1     126.53   127
    2.  Nate Couse (10)          West Genesee                            2332    19:07.6     2     126.47   126
    3.  Anthony Gettino (10)     West Genesee                            2334    19:12.0     3     125.00   125
    4.  Tom Mossotti (12)        West Genesee                            2339    19:16.1     4     123.63   124
    5.  Joseph Desocio (09)      West Genesee                            2333    19:29.4     5     119.20   119
    6.  Simon Brand (9)          Ithaca                                  2252    19:33.7     6     117.77   118
    7.  Ryan Allen (10)          West Genesee                            2329    19:39.3     P     115.90   116
    8.  Conlin Wysocki (10)      Watkins Glen                            2327    19:43.4     -     114.53   115
    9.  Pearse Anderson (12)     Ithaca                                  2251    19:45.0     8     114.00   114
   10.  Dan Rynders (11)         Ithaca                                  2258    19:45.6     9     113.80   114
   11.  Dylan Templeton (09)     Chenango Forks                          2215    19:51.3    10     111.90   112
   12.  Connor Craib (10)        Ithaca                                  2254    19:51.9    11     111.70   112
   13.  Robbie Beck (10)         Newark Valley                           2303    19:58.8    12     109.40   109
   14.  Gianno Silba (11)        Newark Valley                           2308    20:01.4    13     108.53   109
   15.  Mueller Kurt (10)        Union Endicott                          2320    20:02.0    14     108.33   108
   16.  Matt Pecha (10)          Chenango Valley                         2235    20:02.6    15     108.13   108
   17.  Pat Cornell (12)         Maine Endwell                           2293    20:03.4    16     107.87   108
   18.  Patrick Stanistreet (10) West Genesee                            2342    20:04.2     P     107.60   108
   19.  Sam Dickerman (9)        Corning                                 2217    20:05.5    18     107.17   107
   20.  Max. Malloy (11)         Horseheads                              2246    20:08.6    19     106.13   106
   21.  Mark Salanger (09)       West Genesee                            2341    20:09.6     -     105.80   106
   22.  Brandon Murdock (12)     Windsor                                 2348    20:10.3    20     105.57   106
   23.  Cook Kendall (12)        Union Endicott                          2319    20:10.8    21     105.40   105
   24.  Shea Nolan (9)           Ithaca                                  2256    20:11.1    22     105.30   105
   25.  Tatar Zach (9)           Union Endicott                          2323    20:11.5    23     105.17   105
   26.  Zach Hamilton (11)       Chenango Forks                          2203    20:12.4    24     104.87   105
   27.  Brendan Wolf (10)        Windsor                                 2353    20:16.2    25     103.60   104
   28.  Reed Wolff (11)          Ithaca                                  2260    20:21.7     P     101.77   102
   29.  Pritchett Aiden (10)     Union Endicott                          2314    20:22.1    27     101.63   102
   30.  Tyler Gerbsch (11)       Marcellus                               2285    20:24.6    28     100.80   101
   31.  Collin Godfrey (10)      Maine Endwell                           2294    20:28.7    29     99.43    99
   32.  Alex Kimbell (9)         Horseheads                              2244    20:29.3    30     99.23    99
   33.  Seth Hall (10)           Chenango Forks                          2202    20:32.1    31     98.30    98
   34.  Mason Pelton (9)         Maine Endwell                           2297    20:34.0    32     97.67    98
   35.  Nick Rowe (10)           Chenango Forks                          2212    20:34.8    33     97.40    97
   36.  Kevin Brown (11)         Marcellus                               2282    20:35.5    34     97.17    97
   37.  Ethan Knox (11)          Chenango Forks                          2206    20:36.5    35     96.83    97
   38.  Ryan Mathers (12)        Newark Valley                           2307    20:37.3    36     96.57    97
   39.  Johnson Dom (10)         Union Endicott                          2317    20:40.1    37     95.63    96
   40.  Kaelan Winkky (10)       Horseheads                              2249    20:40.9    38     95.37    95
   41.  John Riccardi (10)       Marcellus                               2289    20:44.0    39     94.33    94
   42.  Jeremy Coyle (11)        Ithaca                                  2253    20:44.7     P     94.10    94
   43.  Gehl Connor (9)          Union Endicott                          2316    20:47.4     P     93.20    93
   44.  Jason Walsh (11)         Binghamton                              2196    20:49.7    42     92.43    92
   45.  Nicholas Roseboom (9)    Marcellus                               2290    20:50.3    43     92.23    92
   46.  Austin Maurer (09)       Johnson City                            2267    20:51.8    44     91.73    92
   47.  Tim Huppman (11)         West Genesee                            2335    20:52.3     -     91.57    92
   48.  William Bradt (10)       Horseheads                              2241    20:52.9    45     91.37    91
   49.  Nick Gregoris (10)       Binghamton                              2193    20:54.4    46     90.87    91
   50.  Aiden Cressman (10)      Newark Valley                           2305    20:54.8    47     90.73    91
   51.  Chris. Coble (10)        Horseheads                              2242    20:57.7    48     89.77    90
   52.  Mitchell Colvin (12)     West Genesee                            2331    21:01.1     -     88.63    89
   53.  Hassaan Zainul (10)      Horseheads                              2250    21:06.2     P     86.93    87
   54.  Hunter Mcilroy (10)      West Genesee                            2337    21:07.0     -     86.67    87
   55.  John Hendley (9)         Oneonta                                 2311    21:13.5     -     84.50    85
   56.  Josh Kimbell (11)        Horseheads                              2245    21:16.2     P     83.60    84
   57.  Koral Philip (10)        Union Endicott                          2322    21:17.7     P     83.10    83
   58.  Gabe Sharkey (10)        Corning                                 2219    21:20.0    52     82.33    82
   59.  Dominic Hauptman (09)    Corning                                 2355    21:21.2    53     81.93    82
   60.  Jakob West (9)           Horseheads                              2248    21:23.3     -     81.23    81
   61.  Chester Pollack (11)     Ithaca                                  2257    21:24.1     -     80.97    81
   62.  Tom Corey (10)           Johnson City                            2263    21:26.8    54     80.07    80
   63.  Chris Rowe (12)          Windsor                                 2351    21:27.6    55     79.80    80
   64.  Kody Harrison (9)        Norwich                                 2298    21:28.2     -     79.60    80
   65.  Julien Thornton (10)     Watkins Glen                            2326    21:28.7     -     79.43    79
   66.  Declan Houlihan (09)     Chenango Forks                          2205    21:29.2     P     79.27    79
   67.  Jesse Kline (10)         Newark Valley                           2306    21:30.4    57     78.87    79
   68.  Jason Guth (12)          Chenango Forks                          2201    21:30.9     P     78.70    79
   69.  Alder Flecker (11)       Ithaca                                  2255    21:33.9     -     77.70    78
   70.  Hunter Truman (10)       Windsor                                 2352    21:36.2    59     76.93    77
   71.  Scott Rozen (11)         Binghamton                              2195    21:37.1    60     76.63    77
   72.  Tyler Couch (10)         Watkins Glen                            2324    21:37.6     -     76.47    76
   73.  Jared Gridley (9)        Corning                                 2354    21:42.3    61     74.90    75
   74.  Pat Dailey (10)          Johnson City                            2264    21:43.1    62     74.63    75
   75.  Brendyn Savage (11)      Chenango Valley                         2238    21:43.4    63     74.53    75
   76.  Cody Coombs (11)         Newark Valley                           2304    21:45.1     P     73.97    74
   77.  Jacob Russell (9)        Norwich                                 2302    21:45.4     -     73.87    74
   78.  Tanner Wallis (10)       Johnson City                            2269    21:50.4    65     72.20    72
   79.  James Farrell (9)        Marcellus                               2284    21:51.9    66     71.70    72
   80.  Liam Mallon (11)         Binghamton                              2194    21:53.0    67     71.33    71
   81.  Connor Kabat (09)        Johnson City                            2266    21:55.7    68     70.43    70
   82.  Nicholas Lavy (10)       Marcellus                               2287    21:56.1     P     70.30    70
   83.  Prusik Alex (12)         Union Endicott                          2315    21:58.3     -     69.57    70
   84.  Max Lebreux (12)         Windsor                                 2347    21:58.7    70     69.43    69
   85.  Matt Fox (9)             Windsor                                 2346    22:03.9     P     67.70    68
   86.  Brian. Dubots (10)       Horseheads                              2243    22:06.9     -     66.70    67
   87.  Jordan Gunnip (11)       Jordan Elbridge                         2271    22:07.9    72     66.37    66
   88.  Walter Sigel (10)        Ithaca                                  2259    22:12.3     -     64.90    65
   89.  John Matlack-grey (9)    Norwich                                 2299    22:12.9     -     64.70    65
   90.  Dominic Mastronardi (09) Chenango Valley                         2232    22:17.6    73     63.13    63
   91.  Thomas Fischer (12)      Oneonta                                 2310    22:21.6     -     61.80    62
   92.  Allen Miles (11)         Union Endicott                          2321    22:23.4     -     61.20    61
   93.  Dylan Bump (10)          Windsor                                 2343    22:29.6     P     59.13    59
   94.  Brian Ellsworth (12)     Windsor                                 2345    22:30.1     -     58.97    59
   95.  Max. Andersen (10)       Chenango Valley                         2223    22:34.0    75     57.67    58
   96.  Peyton Kuzel (10)        Maine Endwell                           2295    22:44.7    76     54.10    54
   97.  Justin Schoeneck (9)     Marcellus                               2291    22:48.4     P     52.87    53
   98.  Matt Mcmahon (09)        West Genesee                            2338    22:55.3     -     50.57    51
   99.  Jordan Baker (11)        Marathon                                2277    22:55.9     -     50.37    50
  100.  Josh Finch (09)          Chenango Forks                          2199    22:56.6     -     50.13    50
  101.  Caleb Richards (10)      Windsor                                 2350    22:59.0     -     49.33    49
  102.  Kody Stebbins (11)       Corning                                 2220    23:00.8    78     48.73    49
  103.  Joshua Barlotta (9)      Marcellus                               2281    23:02.4     -     48.20    48
  104.  Colin Merkle (10)        Corning                                 2218    23:04.3     P     47.57    48
  105.  Neil Casimir (11)        Johnson City                            2262    23:05.8     P     47.07    47
  106.  Mike Mettler (09)        Chenango Valley                         2233    23:10.8    81     45.40    45
  107.  Nick Ayelsworth (09)     Johnson City                            2261    23:15.1     P     43.97    44
  108.  Will Dungey (11)         Jordan Elbridge                         2270    23:19.0    83     42.67    43
  109.  Nathan Williams (9)      Jordan Elbridge                         2276    23:22.5    84     41.50    42
  110.  Sam Hatton (11)          Chenango Valley                         2230    23:24.8     P     40.73    41
  111.  Jordan Davis (11)        Johnson City                            2265    23:31.4     -     38.53    39
  112.  Ethan Madden (11)        Jordan Elbridge                         2274    23:40.8    86     35.40    35
  113.  Dustin Wheaton (9)       Corning                                 2222    24:17.8     P     23.07    23
  114.  Tommym Bidwell (09)      West Genesee                            2330    24:23.2     -     21.27    21
  115.  Luke Webb (10)           Corning                                 2221    24:36.6     -     16.80    17
  116.  Matt Romanelli (09)      Marathon                                2280    24:39.9     -     15.70    16
  117.  Nathan Hurlbert (11)     Marathon                                2279    24:59.6     -     9.13     9
  118.  Corey Hanson (11)        Chenango Valley                         2229    25:17.1     P     3.30     3
  119.  Evan Decker (9)          Windsor                                 2344    25:23.5     -
  120.  Graham Rudy (10)         Norwich                                 2301    25:24.2     -
  121.  Zach Carr (11)           Chenango Valley                         2225    26:43.1     -
  122.  Patrick Mccullough (11)  Maine Endwell                           2296    27:09.9    89
  123.  Lyman Bothwell (12)      Binghamton                              2191    27:52.5    90
  124.  Beresford Dylan (10)     Union Endicott                          2318    27:53.6     -
  125.  Garrett Miller (11)      Chenango Valley                         2234    28:32.4     -
  126.  Vince Milasi (10)        Johnson City                            2268    28:41.6     -
  127.  Adam Martinr (10)        West Genesee                            2336    29:35.7     -
  128.  Brian Gloskey (10)       Chenango Forks                          2200    30:13.2     -
  129.  Austin Poticher (10)     Jordan Elbridge                         2275    31:19.4    91      


 Girls Varsity & JV Results

Girls Varsity (Seeded Race)

Small Division:
    1. Newark Valley                        15

Large Division:
    1. West Genesee                         44     4. Binghamton                          102
    2. Ithaca                               52     5. Corning                             117
    3. Horseheads                           57     6. Maine Endwell                       126

Overall Results:
    1. West Genesee                         48     5. Binghamton                          118
    2. Ithaca                               54     6. Corning                             135
    3. Horseheads                           65     7. Maine Endwell                       147
    4. Newark Valley                       100

                                    WOMEN'S Var Girls Seeded

                    *   Note - Due to a wrong turn in the Girls Seeded Race, the times are  *
                    *        respectively slower than the Girls Unseeded and JV races ...   *
                    *        Coaches at the meet estimated the wrong turn added about       *
                    *        45 seconds to the Seeded race times ... That matched up        *
                    *        very nicely with the statistical fit that determines the       *
                    *        speed ratings.                                                 *

                                       INDIVIDUAL RESULTS

  FIN   NAME                     TEAM                                     NUM    RESULTS   PTS     Speed Rating
    1.  Carly Benson (10)        West Genesee                            2162    19:25.8     1     140.40   140
    2.  Emily Mackay (12)        Union Endicott                          2158    20:12.9     -     124.70   125
    3.  Kaylee Stone (11)        Windsor                                 2174    20:34.5     -     117.50   118
    4.  Lizzy Rayle (10)         Ithaca                                  2136    20:37.8     2     116.40   116
    5.  Alexi Deiseroth (11)     Horseheads                              2128    20:45.3     3     113.90   114
    6.  Ali Otis (9)             Maine Endwell                           2147    20:46.2     4     113.60   114
    7.  Taeli Quanz (9)          Horseheads                              2131    20:48.9     5     112.70   113
    8.  Maria Matkoski (12)      West Genesee                            2168    20:55.3     6     110.57   111
    9.  Alyssa Walker (8)        Horseheads                              2133    21:06.8     7     106.73   107
   10.  Charlotte Williams (11)  Ithaca                                  2141    21:09.1     8     105.97   106
   11.  Kendall Dombroske (09)   West Genesee                            2164    21:17.3     9     103.23   103
   12.  Sarah Ferranti (12)      West Genesee                            2165    21:27.8    10     99.73    100
   13.  Sylvia Frank (12)        Ithaca                                  2134    21:33.9    11     97.70    98
   14.  Brynne Ketchum (9)       Corning                                 2121    21:36.8    12     96.73    97
   15.  Sophie Stewart (9)       Newark Valley                           2157    21:39.0    13     96.00    96
   16.  Maggie rose Pelella (12) Binghamton                              2114    21:44.1    14     94.30    94
   17.  Nicole Leo (12)          Binghamton                              2113    21:47.2    15     93.27    93
   18.  Zoe Tomasik (10)         Ithaca                                  2139    21:50.7    16     92.10    92
   19.  Grace Widercrantz (10)   Ithaca                                  2140    21:53.5    17     91.17    91
   20.  Courtney Maule (8)       Newark Valley                           2152    22:21.4    18     81.87    82
   21.  Pearl Cooper (12)        Corning                                 2120    22:23.3    19     81.23    81
   22.  Marissa Silba (9)        Newark Valley                           2155    22:26.1    20     80.30    80
   23.  Kristina Knight (9)      Newark Valley                           2151    22:26.7    21     80.10    80
   24.  Rachel Flynn (12)        West Genesee                            2166    22:50.7    22     72.10    72
   25.  Marianne Cites (12)      Horseheads                              2127    23:03.3    23     67.90    68
   26.  Jessica Spencer (10)     Binghamton                              2118    23:05.1    24     67.30    67
   27.  Nisha Sweet (10)         Ithaca                                  2138    23:07.5     P     66.50    67
   28.  Kristin Daino (11)       Maine Endwell                           2143    23:14.6    26     64.13    64
   29.  Ashley Naples (11)       Horseheads                              2130    23:17.0    27     63.33    63
   30.  Colleen Riegel (9)       Newark Valley                           2154    23:23.8    28     61.07    61
   31.  Kailey Merrill (12)      Corning                                 2123    23:24.6    29     60.80    61
   32.  Micayla Monks (11)       Horseheads                              2129    23:30.9     P     58.70    59
   33.  Amy Milner (10)          Ithaca                                  2135    23:32.0     P     58.33    58
   34.  Katerina Salcedo (10)    Binghamton                              2117    23:34.1    32     57.63    58
   35.  Sydney Barnes (09)       Binghamton                              2111    23:35.2    33     57.27    57
   36.  Sydney Wisniewski (10)   Maine Endwell                           2149    23:37.7    34     56.43    56
   37.  Emma Mason (11)          Corning                                 2122    23:38.4    35     56.20    56
   38.  Anna Raymond (11)        Newark Valley                           2153    23:39.6     P     55.80    56
   39.  Martha Modinger (10)     Unatego Sidney                          2160    23:40.2     -     55.60    56
   40.  Genevieve Brewster (10)  Binghamton                              2112    23:40.6     P     55.47    55
   41.  Amanda Lowther (11)      West Genesee                            2167    23:44.1     P     54.30    54
   42.  Alli Baumgart (10)       Maine Endwell                           2142    23:48.6    39     52.80    53
   43.  Grace Bickham (10)       Corning                                 2119    23:52.8    40     51.40    51
   44.  Molly Ciarla (12)        West Genesee                            2163    24:09.0     P     46.00    46
   45.  Rory Pelella (10)        Binghamton                              2115    24:14.4     P     44.20    44
   46.  Rando Kaitlin (11)       Union Endicott                          2159    24:17.8     -     43.07    43
   47.  Emma Sorensen (9)        Ithaca                                  2137    24:32.5     -     38.17    38
   48.  Natalie Powers (9)       Corning                                 2124    24:41.4     P     35.20    35
   49.  Kara Centorani (10)      Windsor                                 2169    24:53.3     -     31.23    31
   50.  Brook Mcfadden (11)      Maine Endwell                           2146    24:54.1    44     30.97    31
   51.  Katie Eberhard (12)      Maine Endwell                           2144    25:23.9     P     21.03    21
   52.  Erin Rush (12)           Maine Endwell                           2148    25:28.3     P     19.57    20
   53.  Hailey Rowlands (11)     Corning                                 2125    26:41.9     P
   54.  Anna Simmons (10)        Newark Valley                           2156    27:04.6     P
   55.  Mckeiyane Connors (10)   Windsor                                 2171    32:21.1     -

Girls Varsity (Unseeded Race)

    1. Elmira Notre Dame                   113    10. Jordan Elbridge                     228
    2. Ithaca                              131    11. Delhi                               235
    3. Johnson City                        134    12. Groton                              290
    4. Waverly                             135    13. Sullivan West                       293
    5. Seton Catholic                      163    14. Horseheads                          321
    6. Oneonta                             179    15. Lafayette                           345
    7. Chenango Forks                      198    16. Cortland                            359
    8. Lansing                             200    17. Marcellus                           359
    9. Chenango Valley                     221

Girls Varsity Unseeded
                                       INDIVIDUAL RESULTS

  FIN   NAME                     TEAM                                     NUM    RESULTS   PTS     Speed Rating
    1.  Marlee Shaffer (12)      Seton Catholic                          2073    20:30.4     1     103.87   104
    2.  Shayna Will (11)         Seton Catholic                          2074    20:35.2     2     102.27   102
    3.  Theresa Dristle (10)     Jordan Elbridge                         2024    20:44.0     3     99.33    99
    4.  Emily Cluck (12)         Johnson City                            2016    20:51.7     4     96.77    97
    5.  Maggie Bond (12)         Watkins Glen                            2097    20:52.2     -     96.60    97
    6.  Payton Yoder (9)         Elmira Notre Dame                       1990    21:07.8     5     91.40    91
    7.  Kelsey Young (08)        Deposit Hancock                         1974    21:12.9     -     89.70    90
    8.  Molly Burdick (10)       Johnson City                            2014    21:19.0     6     87.67    88
    9.  Natalie Honken (10)      Seton Catholic                          2070    21:33.4     7     82.87    83
   10.  Mikaela Garcia (10)      Lansing                                 2038    21:33.7     8     82.77    83
   11.  Lauren Phetteplace (SO)  Cortland                                1956    21:37.0     9     81.67    82
   12.  Chase Yoder (11)         Elmira Notre Dame                       1989    21:47.2    10     78.27    78
   13.  Daniela Mercado (10)     Liberty                                 2047    21:52.4     -     76.53    77
   14.  Morgan Gould (10)        Marcellus                               2052    21:59.3    11     74.23    74
   15.  Katie Flynn (10)         Chenango Forks                          1944    22:04.0    12     72.67    73
   16.  Julia Eichenlaub (10)    Thomas A. Edison                        2086    22:05.5     -     72.17    72
   17.  Tori Albro (08)          Lafayette                               2030    22:10.6    13     70.47    70
   18.  Sheridan Talada (8)      Waverly                                 2093    22:21.3    14     66.90    67
   19.  Alicia Long (10)         Spencer Van Etten                       2077    22:34.4     -     62.53    63
   20.  Kimberly White (11)      Marathon                                2050    22:34.8     -     62.40    62
   21.  Maria Jackson (10)       Oneonta                                 2065    22:37.1    15     61.63    62
   22.  Brittney Flaten (12)     Ithaca                                  2009    22:45.9    16     58.70    59
   23.  Corinne Hartshorne (9)   Ithaca                                  2010    22:47.1    17     58.30    58
   24.  Hayley Lettera (12)      Chenango Valley                         1961    22:48.7    18     57.77    58
   25.  Sarah Knox (10)          Chenango Forks                          1945    22:49.9    19     57.37    57
   26.  Courtney Meyerer (12)    Sullivan West                           2082    22:51.0    20     57.00    57
   27.  Kara Watson (09)         Chenango Valley                         1965    22:51.8    21     56.73    57
   28.  Jamie Keown (12)         Oneonta                                 2066    22:53.3    22     56.23    56
   29.  Jillian Lees (9)         Delhi                                   1970    22:54.7    23     55.77    56
   30.  Brandi Welch (9)         Waverly                                 2096    22:59.1    24     54.30    54
   31.  Clare Fontana (11)       Elmira Notre Dame                       1984    23:00.5    25     53.83    54
   32.  Sidney. Tomasso (7)      Waverly                                 2094    23:02.8    26     53.07    53
   33.  Claire Kubinski (10)     Elmira Notre Dame                       1986    23:04.0    27     52.67    53
   34.  Reagan Vaughn (9)        Waverly                                 2095    23:07.0    28     51.67    52
   35.  Rachel Jeon (10)         Ithaca                                  2011    23:09.3    29     50.90    51
   36.  Cambri Ruland (10)       Johnson City                            2019    23:13.4    30     49.53    50
   37.  Samantha Mauser (11)     Lansing                                 2041    23:14.7    31     49.10    49
   38.  Zoe Marschner (9)        Ithaca                                  2013    23:15.4    32     48.87    49
   39.  Kate Davis (9)           Delhi                                   1968    23:16.2    33     48.60    49
   40.  Autumn Dorr (9)          Delhi                                   1969    23:18.2    34     47.93    48
   41.  Athena Basdekis (10)     Oneonta                                 2061    23:19.7    35     47.43    47
   42.  Daphne. Knapp (12)       Afton Harpursville                      1943    23:20.1     -     47.30    47
   43.  Emilia French (11)       Oneonta                                 2064    23:25.4    36     45.53    46
   44.  Aliza Ellner (10)        Ithaca                                  2008    23:28.6    37     44.47    44
   45.  Leigh Miller (10)        Lansing                                 2042    23:36.9    38     41.70    42
   46.  Vivian Mueller (11)      Lafayette                               2033    23:39.5    39     40.83    41
   47.  Catherine Jenks (11)     Groton                                  1996    23:40.9    40     40.37    40
   48.  Alison Kimbell (9)       Horseheads                              2001    23:45.5    41     38.83    39
   49.  Rotem Leshed (9)         Ithaca                                  2012    23:49.3     P     37.57    38
   50.  Elizabeth. Fritzen (8)   Waverly                                 2092    23:50.0    43     37.33    37
   51.  Bailey Yewchuck (9)      Sullivan West                           2085    23:50.9    44     37.03    37
   52.  Courtney Ulrick (11)     Johnson City                            2020    23:51.4    45     36.87    37
   53.  Hayley Cronin (10)       Elmira Notre Dame                       1982    23:52.4    46     36.53    37
   54.  Brooke Twitchell (10)    Groton                                  1997    23:54.8    47     35.73    36
   55.  Lindsey Szalach (08)     Chenango Forks                          1949    23:55.4    48     35.53    36
   56.  Naomi Post (09)          Johnson City                            2018    23:58.2    49     34.60    35
   57.  Maggie Dejohn (11)       Jordan Elbridge                         2022    23:59.0    50     34.33    34
   58.  Maria Chedzoy (10)       Watkins Glen                            2098    23:59.5     -     34.17    34
   59.  Laurel Karee (9)         Elmira Notre Dame                       1985    24:01.0     P     33.67    34
   60.  Taylor Hillriegel (12)   Sullivan West                           2080    24:08.8    52     31.07    31
   61.  Anna Moretti (10)        Elmira Notre Dame                       1987    24:09.3     P     30.90    31
   62.  Mary Dristle (11)        Jordan Elbridge                         2023    24:10.9    54     30.37    30
   63.  Kelly Thompson (10)      Chenango Valley                         1964    24:16.6    55     28.47    28
   64.  Leanna Zilles (11)       Liberty                                 2049    24:18.1     -     27.97    28
   65.  Madi Daly (09)           Jordan Elbridge                         2021    24:19.2    56     27.60    28
   66.  Kelly Saroka (12)        Chenango Forks                          1948    24:19.7    57     27.43    27
   67.  Emma Debara (9)          Elmira Notre Dame                       1983    24:20.2     -     27.27    27
   68.  Maria Pawlowski (12)     Seton Catholic                          2072    24:21.6    58     26.80    27
   69.  Olivia Longhouse (11)    Lansing                                 2040    24:22.4    59     26.53    27
   70.  Erin Culver (12)         Chenango Valley                         1959    24:35.6    60     22.13    22
   71.  Emily Hess (12)          Groton                                  1995    24:50.8    61     17.07    17
   72.  Kelly Parmeter (12)      Chenango Forks                          1947    24:52.0    62     16.67    17
   73.  Madalyn Wieder (10)      Horseheads                              2006    24:52.3    63     16.57    17
   74.  Paige Grube (08)         Spencer Van Etten                       2076    24:53.9     -     16.03    16
   75.  Nina Koch (11)           Edmeston                                1981    24:56.9     -     15.03    15
   76.  Caroline Taylor (11)     Lansing                                 2045    24:58.9    64     14.37    14
   77.  Emily Kuehnle (12)       Jordan Elbridge                         2027    25:04.2    65     12.60    13
   78.  Marissa Cronk (12)       Groton                                  1992    25:07.3    66     11.57    12
   79.  Abbey Lane (12)          Chenango Valley                         1960    25:11.3    67     10.23    10
   80.  Alexa Houper (10)        Horseheads                              2000    25:17.7    68     8.10     8
   81.  Emily Austin (9)         Horseheads                              1998    25:18.0    69     8.00     8
   82.  Mary catherine  Coon (11)Marcellus                               2051    25:22.1    70     6.63     7
   83.  Allison Horner (12)      Moravia                                 2059    25:24.6     -     5.80     6
   84.  Mary Catella (10)        Oneonta                                 2062    25:36.2    71     1.93     2
   85.  Amelie Legg (11)         Delhi                                   1971    25:41.1    72
   86.  Kayla Spangenberg (11)   Delhi                                   1973    25:43.4    73
   87.  Julia Birdsall (SO)      Cortland                                1951    25:43.9    74
   88.  Emma Stuart (10)         Marcellus                               2057    25:47.0    75
   89.  Grace Dittman (11)       Groton                                  1993    25:47.4    76
   90.  Jessica Davis (9)        Delhi                                   1967    25:51.2     P
   91.  Chloe Canfield (12)      Johnson City                            2015    25:58.9     P
   92.  Zoe Nestoryak (08)       Chenango Forks                          1946    26:02.4     P
   93.  Hannah Malloy (9)        Horseheads                              2004    26:09.6    80
   94.  Hannah. Powell (09)      Spencer Van Etten                       2078    26:14.9     -
   95.  Abby Avolio (12)         Unadilla Valley                         2090    26:16.8     -
   96.  Olivia Minikheim (09)    Jordan Elbridge                         2028    26:26.7     P
   97.  Megan Shaver (12)        Delhi                                   1972    26:33.3     P
   98.  Kyra Salinkas (12)       Chenango Forks                          2380    26:36.6     P
   99.  Megan Jackson (09)       Jordan Elbridge                         2025    26:44.9     P
  100.  Tatum Karlik (12)        Jordan Elbridge                         2026    26:46.9     -
  101.  Sarah Bowker (FR)        Cortland                                1952    26:55.9    85
  102.  Marissa Swendsen (10)    Sullivan West                           2083    26:57.5    86
  103.  Danielle Mueller (12)    Moravia                                 2060    26:58.5     -
  104.  Abby Dent (9)            Oneonta                                 2063    26:59.2     P
  105.  Marissa Dovi (JR)        Cortland                                1955    26:59.7    88
  106.  Amy Gardner (10)         Dryden                                  1976    27:00.2     -
  107.  Ingrid Comella (9)       Ithaca                                  2007    27:05.5     P
  108.  Zoe Barclay (9)          Groton                                  1991    27:15.3     P
  109.  Loretta Wachter (09)     Chenango Forks                          2381    27:16.0     -
  110.  Maggie Keller (10)       Sullivan West                           2081    27:31.2    91
  111.  Kierra Maggs (11)        Thomas A. Edison                        2088    27:31.7     -
  112.  Avery Piefer (9)         Oneonta                                 2067    27:32.7     P
  113.  Allison Keefe (9)        Lansing                                 2039    27:47.0     P
  114.  Kaitlyn. Rurka (11)      Lafayette                               2034    28:06.6    94
  115.  Rebecca Mielnicki (10)   Liberty                                 2048    28:11.4     -
  116.  Jennifer O'neil (9)      Southern Cayuga                         2069    28:45.2     -
  117.  Jordynn Naylor (12)      Elmira Notre Dame                       1988    28:49.8     -
  118.  Katie Arnold (11)        Edmeston                                1980    28:55.2     -
  119.  Lu Li (12)               Seton Catholic                          2071    28:58.8    95
  120.  Emily Gallagher (11)     Lansing                                 2037    29:17.0     P
  121.  Jennica Crisman (11)     Chenango Valley                         1958    29:23.6     P
  122.  Hannah Baxter (9)        Delhi                                   1966    29:26.4     -
  123.  Rebekah Rendino (10)     Horseheads                              2005    29:50.9     P
  124.  Chelsie Rossen (09)      Spencer Van Etten                       2079    29:53.1     -
  125.  Taylor Tummino (09)      Lafayette                               2036    31:22.2    99
  126.  Mattie Caughey (11)      Lafayette                               2031    31:22.7   100
  127.  Brooke Warpus (11)       Chenango Forks                          1950    32:55.9     -
  128.  Maija Lemponen (11)      Marcellus                               2054    33:42.1   101
  129.  Justyce. Closs (10)      Afton Harpursville                      1942    34:26.6     -
  130.  Sarah Stowell (9)        Marcellus                               2056    36:26.9   102
  131.  Quinnlyn Shields (11)    Downsville                              1975    38:53.2     -
  132.  Hannah Dearie (SO)       Cortland                                1954    43:35.7   103

Girls Junior Varsity
    1. West Genesee                         28     3. Corning                              60
    2. Maine Endwell                        56     4. Elmira Notre Dame                    66

                                        WOMEN'S JV Girls

                                       INDIVIDUAL RESULTS

  FIN   NAME                     TEAM                                     NUM    RESULTS   PTS     Speed Rating
    1.  Emma Farmer (09)         West Genesee                            2430    22:36.7     1     61.77    62
    2.  Amber Hession (11)       Susquehanna Valley                      2418    23:06.7     -     51.77    52
    3.  Megan Farmer (12)        West Genesee                            2431    23:24.7     2     45.77    46
    4.  Autumn Wetmore (09)      West Genesee                            2435    24:00.2     3     33.93    34
    5.  Alyssa Simonetti (8)     Waverly                                 2427    24:14.9     -     29.03    29
    6.  Shelby Kiteveles (11)    West Genesee                            2433    24:23.6     4     26.13    26
    7.  Carr Isabella (10)       Union Endicott                          2421    24:24.7     -     25.77    26
    8.  Grace Scouten (9)        Corning                                 2385    24:47.0     5     18.33    18
    9.  Alexis Gielskie (10)     Delhi                                   2387    24:49.0     -     17.67    18
   10.  Burns Maddie (11)        Union Endicott                          2422    24:49.4     -     17.53    18
   11.  Liz Balzani (11)         Maine Endwell                           2407    24:52.6     6     16.47    16
   12.  Erin Tucker (9)          Corning                                 2386    25:00.2     7     13.93    14
   13.  Toni Daino (11)          Maine Endwell                           2410    25:01.5     8     13.50    14
   14.  Maggie Hill (12)         Binghamton                              2372    25:10.3     -     10.57    11
   15.  Lena Weiss (11)          Ithaca                                  2401    25:22.5     -     6.50     7
   16.  Grace Carter (09)        Johnson City                            2402    25:23.1     -     6.30     6
   17.  Joy Panicek (10)         Corning                                 2384    25:24.1     9     5.97     6
   18.  Taina Colon (11)         Maine Endwell                           2408    25:26.8    10     5.07     5
   19.  Kristen Oplinger (9)     Elmira Notre Dame                       2392    25:35.8    11     2.07     2
   20.  Cassidy Piza-taylor (09) Binghamton                              2375    25:39.2     -     0.93     1
   21.  Elexes Westervelt (9)    Waverly                                 2428    25:43.1     -
   22.  Amanda Diehr (10)        Elmira Notre Dame                       2391    25:44.1    12
   23.  Carmen Bezner-kerr (11)  Ithaca                                  2397    25:45.9     -
   24.  Caranne Ingram (10)      Delhi                                   2388    25:48.4     -
   25.  Kara Woglom (11)         Elmira Notre Dame                       2395    25:49.7    13
   26.  Katie Ronsivalle (11)    Elmira Notre Dame                       2394    25:50.2    14
   27.  Zoe Lunduski (8)         Waverly                                 2426    25:56.0     -
   28.  Lauren Mccarthy (10)     Maine Endwell                           2412    26:14.4    15
   29.  Deanna Chandler (10)     Waverly                                 2424    26:15.6     -
   30.  Emma Qualey (8)          Elmira Notre Dame                       2393    26:18.1    16
   31.  Shannon Daino (11)       Maine Endwell                           2409    26:26.2    17
   32.  Allison Kallfelz (09)    West Genesee                            2432    26:38.0    18
   33.  Kendra Heath (9)         Corning                                 2382    26:41.8    19
   34.  Zoe Heath (11)           Corning                                 2383    27:11.6    20
   35.  Breeanna Nguyen (11)     Maine Endwell                           2413    27:34.3     P
   36.  Brianna Mott (10)        Susquehanna Valley                      2419    28:02.2     -
   37.  Julia Doyle (11)         Binghamton                              2371    28:26.9     -
   38.  Haley Hagerman (9)       Windsor                                 2437    28:27.9     -
   39.  Chalachan Rachael (10)   Union Endicott                          2423    29:27.7     -
   40.  Aanyah Jhonson-whyte (12)Oneonta                                 2415    30:10.2     -
   41.  Emily Kollig (10)        Delhi                                   2389    30:20.9     -
   42.  Liz Phillips (10)        Johnson City                            2405    32:02.6     -
   43.  Alyssa Rounds (9)        Windsor                                 2438    32:15.1     -
   44.  Shannon Pennay (11)      Johnson City                            2404    33:30.8     -
   45.  Minoia Gina (12)         Union Endicott                          2420    33:57.7     -