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 Results  - Marathon Invitational 2010

 ... October 23, 2010 (Marathon Elementary, Section 4)

Results courtesy Todd James (Marathon) ....

Complete Results in PDF format (including Modified & JV) ]

 ... Only Varsity Results listed Below (see PDF file for other results) ...

[ Girls Varsity Results ]


 Boys Varsity Results
Boys Varsity Seeded Race ... just past mid-race ... Jesse Garn (Marcellus, left) and Chris Buchanan (CNS, 961) are in front ... Buchanan impressively opened a lead in the later-part of the race.
22nd Annual Marathon Cross Country Invitational

                     Boys Varsity (Seeded Race)

 Division 1 Results
  1. Corning                     52     5. Horseheads            104
  2. West Genesee                59     6. Franklin              151
  3. Maine Endwell               65     7. Chittenango           183
  4. Cicero North Syracuse       89

 Division 2 Results
  1. Marcellus                   47     6. Thomas A. Edison      139
  2. Holland Patent              58     7. Fabius Pompey         176
  3. Windsor                     84     8. Spencer Van Etten     192
  4. Jordan Elbridge            102     9. Onondaga              197
  5. Newark Valley              115

 Overall Results
  1. Corning                     88     9. Jordan Elbridge       235
  2. West Genesee               103    10. Franklin              244
  3. Maine Endwell              108    11. Newark Valley         257
  4. Marcellus                  113    12. Thomas A. Edison      318
  5. Cicero North Syracuse      145    13. Fabius Pompey         350
  6. Holland Patent             147    14. Chittenango           382
  7. Horseheads                 167    15. Spencer Van Etten     391
  8. Windsor                    214    16. Onondaga              407

 FIN NAME                       TEAM                           NUM     RESULTS      Speed Rating
  1. Chris Buchanan (12)        Cicero North Syracuse           961    16:08.7      186.1    186
  2. Brian Crimmins (11)        Horseheads                      994    16:22.9      181.4    181
  3. Dylan Racha (12)           Holland Patent                1006     16:23.8      181.1    181
  4. Ryan Manahan (10)          Marcellus                     1020     16:28.5      179.5    180
  5. Cody Racha (12)            Holland Patent                1005     16:28.8      179.4    179
  6. Jesse Garn (12)            Marcellus                     1018     16:36.6      176.8    177
  7. Billy Gabriel (12)         West Genesee                  1067     16:44.4      174.2    174
  8. Martin Leff (11)           West Genesee                  1069     16:49.4      172.5    173
  9. Greg Bader (12)            Jordan Elbridge               1009     16:54.6      170.8    171
 10. Ryan Carl (12)             Corning                        971     16:55.4      170.5    171
 11. Jake Andrews (12)          Fabius Pompey                  977     17:01.4      168.5    169
 12. John Delallo (12)          West Genesee                  1066     17:06.0      167.0    167
 13. Stephen Rossettie (10)     Corning                        975     17:10.8      165.4    165
 14. Austin Holbrook (12)       Corning                        973     17:11.1      165.3    165
 15. Nick Miller (11)           Maine Endwell                 1032     17:15.1      164.0    164
 16. Jordan Stevens (10)        Newark Valley                 1041     17:16.3      163.6    164
 17. Anthony Lupia (10)         Cicero North Syracuse          964     17:16.9      163.4    163
 18. Tim Banach (11)            Corning                        968     17:18.5      162.8    163
 19. Joe Fallon (11)            Marcellus                     1017     17:19.0      162.7    163
 20. Michael Didas (12)         Maine Endwell                 1029     17:19.4      162.5    163
 21. Brian Svoboda (12)         Windsor                       1079     17:19.9      162.4    162
 22. Andrew Bohunicky (12)      Maine Endwell                 1025     17:20.5      162.2    162
 23. Ryan Brizzolara (11)       Maine Endwell                 1028     17:21.8      161.7    162
 24. Josiah Durfee (12)         Chittenango                    953     17:26.4      160.2    160
 25. Brian Gooshaw (12)         Thomas A. Edison              1059     17:27.0      160.0    160
 26. John Bell (11)             Marcellus                     1016     17:28.7      159.4    159
 27. Matt Gonnella (12)         West Genesee                  1068     17:32.2      158.3    158
 28. Jesse Brenon (10)          Maine Endwell                 1027     17:33.9      157.7    158
 29. Jt Mcmaster (12)           Horseheads                     997     17:36.4      156.9    157
 30. Tyler Layton (12)          Maine Endwell                 1031     17:36.9      156.7    157
 31. Andres Rodriguez (11)      Maine Endwell                 1033     17:38.5      156.2    156
 32. Ryan Mcmahon (12)          Windsor                       1075     17:39.7      155.8    156
 33. Noah Chauvin (11)          Corning                        972     17:40.7      155.4    155
 34. Steve Slonosky (11)        Jordan Elbridge               1014     17:41.0      155.3    155
 35. Jared Walther (12)         Cicero North Syracuse          967     17:41.6      155.1    155
 36. Chris Friend (12)          Newark Valley                 1038     17:43.6      154.5    154
 37. Tyler Rodabaugh (11)       Horseheads                     998     17:44.4      154.2    154
 38. Bryant Hatala (10)         Maine Endwell                 1030     17:45.2      153.9    154
 39. Erran Gates (11)           Holland Patent                1003     17:48.6      152.8    153
 40. Morgan Marlow (10)         Franklin                       989     17:49.1      152.6    153
 41. David Bohunicky (12)       Maine Endwell                 1026     17:49.6      152.5    152
 42. Dennis Travis (10)         Windsor                       1080     17:53.4      151.2    151
 43. Jack Gugel (9)             Jordan Elbridge               1011     17:54.3      150.9    151
 44. Tom Mcandrew (12)          Cicero North Syracuse          965     17:55.3      150.6    151
 45. Conor Gordon (10)          Franklin                       986     17:56.6      150.1    150
 46. Sam Kane (12)              Bainbridge Gilford             950     17:58.4      149.5    150
 47. Zach Williams (12)         Corning                        976     17:59.1      149.3    149
 48. Kevin. Sidoran (11)        Holland Patent                1007     17:59.9      149.0    149
 49. Connor Cleveland (11)      Newark Valley                 1035     18:01.1      148.6    149
 50. Matt Tillotson (12)        Horseheads                    1000     18:03.5      147.8    148
 51. Corey Lamere (10)          Franklin                       988     18:03.9      147.7    148
 52. Matt Byrnes (12)           West Genesee                  1065     18:04.6      147.5    147
 53. Ken Ryan (11)              Cicero North Syracuse          966     18:05.2      147.3    147
 54. Matt Serrao (12)           West Genesee                  1070     18:05.8      147.1    147
 55. Tristan Gilmore (12)       Horseheads                     995     18:06.7      146.8    147
 56. Ken Reuter (11)            Spencer Van Etten             1056     18:07.9      146.4    146
 57. Greg Butler (11)           Corning                        970     18:10.9      145.4    145
 58. Rourk Marlow (10)          Franklin                       990     18:11.7      145.1    145
 59. Steve. Lisi (12)           Holland Patent                1004     18:16.1      143.6    144
 60. Alex Barton (11)           Corning                        969     18:18.4      142.9    143
 61. John Durfee (12)           Chittenango                    952     18:18.8      142.7    143
 62. Justin Garn (10)           Marcellus                     1019     18:19.7      142.4    142
 63. Doug Fitzgerald (11)       Franklin                       985     18:21.2      141.9    142
 64. Jordan Haviland (12)       Windsor                       1073     18:22.0      141.7    142
 65. Tony Griswold (12)         Windsor                       1072     18:23.1      141.3    141
 66. Alex Bottorff (12)         Cicero North Syracuse          960     18:25.6      140.5    140
 67. Neil Gill (10)             Cicero North Syracuse          962     18:33.9      137.7    138
 68. John Reuter (11)           Spencer Van Etten             1055     18:34.5      137.5    138
 69. Bradley Wigsten (11)       Horseheads                    1001     18:36.9      136.7    137
 70. Mike Grant (12)            Thomas A. Edison              1060     18:37.3      136.6    137
 71. Kyle Michaud (11)          Thomas A. Edison              1063     18:37.9      136.4    136
 72. Austin Perry (12)          Franklin                       991     18:38.4      136.2    136
 73. Derek Johnson (10)         Horseheads                     996     18:39.2      135.9    136
 74. Casey Swartz (11)          Horseheads                     999     18:42.2      134.9    135
 75. Lucas Cognetti (11)        Fabius Pompey                  979     18:42.7      134.8    135
 76. Nolan. Amos (12)           Holland Patent                1002     18:43.7      134.4    134
 77. John Mccarthy (09)         Corning                        974     18:44.4      134.2    134
 78. Mike Nakoski (12)          Onondaga                      1047     18:44.9      134.0    134
 79. Tom Poppe (12)             Jordan Elbridge               1013     18:55.6      130.5    130
 80. Todd. Stevens (10)         Holland Patent                1008     19:01.4      128.5    129
 81.   ian Darin (12)           Fabius Pompey                  980     19:01.7      128.4    128
 82. Zach Jacobson (9)          Newark Valley                 1040     19:05.2      127.3    127
 83. Tyler Field (08)           Onondaga                      1044     19:08.0      126.3    126
 84. Alex Suslik (11)           Jordan Elbridge               1015     19:08.8      126.1    126
 85. Jeremy Bussmann (12)       Thomas A. Edison              1058     19:10.8      125.4    125
 86. Eric Rush (12)             Onondaga                      1050     19:11.9      125.0    125
 87. Nate Jurusik (10)          Thomas A. Edison              1061     19:13.6      124.5    124
 88. Jason Naughton (10)        Onondaga                      1048     19:16.4      123.5    124
 89. Levi Davis (9)             Newark Valley                 1036     19:16.8      123.4    123
 90. Tyler Nickerson (10)       Spencer Van Etten             1053     19:18.5      122.8    123
 91. Rob Leonard (12)           Windsor                       1074     19:21.2      121.9    122
 92. Matt Tompkins (12)         Marcellus                     1022     19:24.9      120.7    121
 93. Colton Perry (12)          Windsor                       1076     19:25.6      120.5    120
 94. Adam Pirro (11)            Marcellus                     1021     19:29.1      119.3    119
 95. Craig Basel (10)           Newark Valley                 1034     19:29.6      119.1    119
 96. Alex Zamojski (09)         Marcellus                     1024     19:30.0      119.0    119
 97. Colin Webster (10)         Marcellus                     1023     19:37.4      116.5    117
 98. Derek Fenn (11)            Newark Valley                 1037     19:38.4      116.2    116
 99. John Maolone (10)          Thomas A. Edison              1062     19:39.7      115.8    116
100. Travis Overly (12)         Spencer Van Etten             1054     19:45.2      113.9    114
101. Colton Steinbrecher(10)    Windsor                       1078     19:46.5      113.5    114
102. Derrick Cheney (12)        Jordan Elbridge               1010     20:01.0      108.7    109
103. Sam Fragola (10)           Fabius Pompey                  981     20:01.8      108.4    108
104. Kevin Yusko (9)            Thomas A. Edison              1064     20:02.3      108.2    108
105. Austin Schmidt (11)        Windsor                       1077     20:03.2      107.9    108
106. Mike Giblin (12)           Newark Valley                 1039     20:03.6      107.8    108
107. Matt Jacobs (12)           Onondaga                      1046     20:05.4      107.2    107
108. Brad Murray (12)           Chittenango                    956     20:07.3      106.6    107
109. Isaac Mazzeo (9)           Spencer Van Etten             1052     20:11.4      105.2    105
110. Zak Field (11)             Onondaga                      1045     20:20.2      102.3    102
111. Steven Young (11)          Fabius Pompey                  984     20:30.5      98.8     99
112. Jacob Teeter (10)          Chittenango                    958     21:06.9      86.7     87
113. Jeremy Jones (11)          Spencer Van Etten             1051     21:07.4      86.5     87
114. Ryan Eklund (12)           Chittenango                    954     21:08.7      86.1     86
115. Dave Beagle (12)           Chittenango                    951     21:19.3      82.6     83
116. Ben Sims (12)              Fabius Pompey                  983     21:28.5      79.5     80
117. Brett Muench (11)          Fabius Pompey                  982     21:36.8      76.7     77
118. Brandon Chrysler (11)      Fabius Pompey                  978     22:23.2      61.3     61

                        Boys Varsity (Unseeded Race)

  1. Ithaca                        87   12. Groton                       320
  2. Owego                         92   13. Binghamton                   337
  3. West Genesee                 103   14. Waverly                      365
  4. Maine Endwell                140   15. Harpursville                 378
  5. Watkins Glen                 162   16. Johnson City                 392
  6. Tully                        167   17. Chenango Valley              421
  7. Corning                      176   18. Marathon                     443
  8. Elmira Southside             238   19. Liberty                      509
  9. Delhi                        238   20. Southern Springs             532
 10. Chenango Forks               271   21. Deposit                      581
 11. Cortland                     316

 FIN NAME                       TEAM                           NUM     RESULTS      Speed Rating
  1. Cory Mccarty (10)          Elmira Southside               812     17:11.9      165.0    165
  2. Shaun Kurcoba (10)         Elmira Free Academy            804     17:26.3      160.2    160
  3. Jed Kovalovsky (12)        Owego                          880     17:45.3      153.9    154
  4. Graeme Gowland (11)        Binghamton                     745     17:50.0      152.3    152
  5. Alex Mirra (11)            Tully                          905     17:55.9      150.4    150
  6. Nick Sorensen (11)         Watkins Glen                   925     18:00.0      149.0    149
  7. Sterling Payne (12)        Owego                          881     18:01.7      148.4    148
  8. Phil Cornelius (11)        Ithaca                         831     18:03.1      148.0    148
  9. Liam Cody (12)             Ithaca                         830     18:05.6      147.1    147
 10. Scotty Stewart (12)        Owego                          883     18:10.8      145.4    145
 11. Brendan Mccarthy (12)      Corning                        763     18:11.8      145.1    145
 12. James Allen (11)           Chenango Forks                 751     18:13.6      144.5    144
 13. Justin Marcus (12)         Ithaca                         833     18:14.9      144.0    144
 14. Evan Putrycz (11)          Delhi                          789     18:19.5      142.5    143
 15. Alec Duryea (12)           Maine Endwell                  858     18:21.6      141.8    142
 16. Dan Gabriel (09)           West Genesee                   929     18:24.0      141.0    141
 17. Matt Gill (9)              Watkins Glen                   918     18:24.6      140.8    141
 18. Ethane Osborne (11)        West Genesee                   930     18:25.2      140.6    141
 19. Dan Vandam (12)            Ithaca                         836     18:26.0      140.3    140
 20. Corey Wasilnak (11)        Maine Endwell                  865     18:33.2      137.9    138
 21. Josh Langley (11)          Watkins Glen                   922     18:35.6      137.1    137
 22. Nate Conroy (09)           West Genesee                   928     18:36.0      137.0    137
 23. Luke Potash (11)           West Genesee                   931     18:36.7      136.8    137
 24. James Hauck (10)           Corning                        759     18:39.1      136.0    136
 25. Alex Legg (08)             Delhi                          788     18:39.4      135.9    136
 26. Alex Clark (11)            Cortland                       770     18:47.1      133.3    133
 27. Robert Dunham (11)         Groton                         819     18:49.7      132.4    132
 28. Luke Hardy (12)            Maine Endwell                  859     18:52.0      131.7    132
 29. Tom Brogan (12)            West Genesee                   926     18:53.6      131.1    131
 30. Travis Elstons (12)        Waverly                        911     18:56.0      130.3    130
 31. James Felice (09)          Owego                          878     18:57.5      129.8    130
 32. Nate Smith (9)             Maine Endwell                  864     18:58.3      129.6    130
 33. Devan Barta (10)           Southern Springs               888     19:00.0      129.0    129
 34. Cj Comfort (12)            Elmira Southside               809     19:00.9      128.7    129
 35. Nate Delles (10)           Tully                          902     19:01.7      128.4    128
 36. Sol Eagle road (10)        Delhi                          785     19:02.3      128.2    128
 37. Zach Zgardzinski (10)      Tully                          908     19:02.7      128.1    128
 38. Will Villano (10)          Harpursville                   829     19:03.1      128.0    128
 39. Rob Burnett (10)           Harpursville                   824     19:03.6      127.8    128
 40. Spencer. Ozer (12)         Corning                        764     19:04.0      127.7    128
 41. Mark Reilly (11)           West Genesee                   932     19:06.2      126.9    127
 42. Connor Nugent (12)         Chenango Valley                781     19:08.5      126.2    126
 43. David Franck (10)          Ithaca                         832     19:09.4      125.9    126
 44. Dan Schultz (10)           Ithaca                         835     19:10.7      125.4    125
 45. John Larkin (11)           Marathon                       853     19:11.7      125.1    125
 46. Jack Hillenbrand (10)      Afton                          741     19:13.6      124.5    124
 47. Garrett Fahey (09)         Owego                          877     19:14.0      124.3    124
 48. Evan Knapp (09)            Tully                          904     19:14.4      124.2    124
 49. Mike Barnes (12)           Norwich                        869     19:15.3      123.9    124
 50. Dan Eichorn (11)           Tully                          903     19:17.4      123.2    123
 51. Kane Sauchuk (11)          Liberty                        850     19:18.8      122.7    123
 52. Cody Brizzolara (9)        Maine Endwell                  857     19:19.6      122.5    122
 53. Stephen Hemenway (11)      Corning                        760     19:20.6      122.1    122
 54. Logan Gorman (11)          Susquehanna Valley             897     19:21.7      121.8    122
 55. Noah Paccia (10)           Tully                          907     19:22.9      121.4    121
 56. Marcus Dier (12)           Elmira Southside               810     19:24.0      121.0    121
 57. Aaron Boyland (11)         Cortland                       769     19:24.8      120.7    121
 58. Kyle Landin (10)           Corning                        761     19:27.1      120.0    120
 59. Corey Cheney (12)          Johnson City                   838     19:27.9      119.7    120
 60. Erik Johnson (11)          Chenango Forks                 754     19:28.2      119.6    120
 61. Theo Moore (10)            Groton                         821     19:28.8      119.4    119
 62. Andy Kinsley (10)          Waverly                        912     19:29.3      119.2    119
 63. Jason Jenks (9)            Groton                         820     19:29.8      119.1    119
 64. Josh Hamelin (11)          Watkins Glen                   920     19:31.6      118.5    118
 65. Adam Rice (12)             Watkins Glen                   924     19:32.8      118.1    118
 66. David Campbell (11)        Owego                          876     19:33.2      117.9    118
 67. Robert Quick (12)          Elmira Southside               814     19:33.9      117.7    118
 68. David Trudeaux (9)         Chenango Valley                784     19:35.7      117.1    117
 69. Steven Rando (09)          Owego                          882     19:36.2      116.9    117
 70. Nuri Harper (10)           Norwich                        871     19:37.8      116.4    116
 71. Jamie Zeino (11)           Norwich                        875     19:38.3      116.2    116
 72. Merlin Joseph (09)         Binghamton                     746     19:38.9      116.0    116
 73. Mike White (12)            Chenango Forks                 758     19:41.2      115.3    115
 74. Kody Woodard (11)          Owego                          884     19:43.3      114.6    115
 75. Nick Shannon (11)          Chenango Forks                 755     19:43.8      114.4    114
 76. David Stermer (10)         Chenango Forks                 757     19:45.2      113.9    114
 77. Sean Kline (12)            Delhi                          787     19:45.7      113.8    114
 78. Vlad Mellon (12)           Maine Endwell                  862     19:47.1      113.3    113
 79. Nick Paccia (12)           Tully                          906     19:47.4      113.2    113
 80. John Prodromidis (12)      Elmira Free Academy            807     19:49.5      112.5    113
 81. Alec Edwards (9)           Cortland                       773     19:51.1      112.0    112
 82. Andy Sanford (12)          Afton                          743     19:52.0      111.7    112
 83. John Mooney (11)           Norwich                        873     19:52.7      111.4    111
 84. Sam Prestigiacomo (09)     Corning                        765     19:55.9      110.4    110
 85. Andy Lee (10)               Susquehanna Valley            898     19:56.5      110.2    110
 86. Frank Davenport (10)        Cortland                      772     19:58.0      109.7    110
 87. Andrew. Doxey (10)          Marathon                      851     19:59.0      109.3    109
 88. Joey Ruspantini (12)        Johnson City                  841     19:59.5      109.2    109
 89. Gage Bush (12)              Groton                        817     19:59.9      109.0    109
 90. Ben Daniels (12)            Chenango Forks                752     20:00.3      108.9    109
 91. Joe Simek (12)              Johnson City                  843     20:01.5      108.5    109
 92. Brandon Dellamarter (12    ) Johnson City                 839     20:02.3      108.2    108
 93. Alex Uhl (9)                Waverly                       915     20:03.3      107.9    108
 94. Alex Postnikov (11)         Binghamton                    748     20:03.9      107.7    108
 95. David. Miller (10)          Ithaca                        834     20:08.5      106.2    106
 96. Evan Lorey (09)             Corning                       762     20:09.2      105.9    106
 97. Eddie Byrd (11)             Liberty                       844     20:11.7      105.1    105
 98. Tomas Meschter (10)         Maine Endwell                 863     20:12.2      104.9    105
 99. Casey Holland (12)          Watkins Glen                  921     20:13.6      104.5    104
100. Eric Lindley (11)           Seton Catholic                886     20:14.7      104.1    104
101. Jesse Mudge (12)            Susquehanna Valley            900     20:16.0      103.7    104
102. Seth Kramer (10)            Elmira Southside              811     20:17.7      103.1    103
103. Zach Forrester (10)         Cortland                      774     20:18.5      102.8    103
104. Chris Nedlik (12)           Binghamton                    747     20:19.1      102.6    103
105. D.j. Campbell (12)          West Genesee                  927     20:20.0      102.3    102
106. Gavin Brown (9)             Elmira Free Academy           803     20:21.1      102.0    102
107. Randy Chandler (9)          Waverly                       910     20:22.8      101.4    101
108. Jabril Robinson (10)        Binghamton                    750     20:23.4      101.2    101
109. Andrew Young (11)           Corning                       767     20:27.5      99.8     100
110. Kody Haner (12)             Harpursville                  825     20:29.2      99.3     99
111. Andy Wendler (12)           Corning                       766     20:29.8      99.1     99
112. Shawn Rickrode (11)         Delhi                         790     20:31.6      98.5     98
113. Jason Planavsky (12)        Harpursville                  828     20:33.1      98.0     98
114. Jon Wingerter (11)          Deposit                       798     20:34.2      97.6     98
115. Andrew Jackson (11)         Johnson City                  840     20:39.8      95.7     96
116. Ej Kicsak (11)              Maine Endwell                 861     20:40.1      95.6     96
117. Larry Scott (10)            Groton                        823     20:46.7      93.4     93
118. Ryan Keller (11)            Maine Endwell                 860     20:47.0      93.3     93
119. Kyle Black (10)             Moravia                       866     20:47.6      93.1     93
120. Luke Williams (09)          Marathon                      856     20:50.9      92.0     92
121. Adam Thorne (12)            Chenango Valley               783     20:52.5      91.5     92
122. Cole Mensch (11)            Waverly                       913     20:54.3      90.9     91
123. Erik Klein (11)             Chenango Valley               780     20:55.4      90.5     91
124. Jason Lobdell (09)          Deposit                       793     20:58.8      89.4     89
125. Taylor.. Ryan (11)          Marathon                      855     20:59.5      89.2     89
126. Matt Bellardini (10)        Cortland                      768     21:02.5      88.2     88
127. Nolan Moore (9)             Cortland                      776     21:05.4      87.2     87
128. Patrick Joyce (11)          Owego                         879     21:07.1      86.6     87
129. Evan Van de wall (11)       Waverly                       916     21:10.1      85.6     86
130. Andrew Thatcher (10)        Elmira Free Academy           808     21:10.8      85.4     85
131. Matt Personius (9)          Chenango Valley               782     21:17.1      83.3     83
132. Mike Lake (10)              Harpursville                  826     21:17.8      83.1     83
133. Gannon Connors (9)          Chenango Valley               778     21:28.2      79.6     80
134. Ryan Corey (9)              Chenango Valley               779     21:29.4      79.2     79
135. Eric Willsey (9)            Elmira Southside              816     21:30.4      78.9     79
136. Matt Rourke (11)            Liberty                       848     21:36.4      76.9     77
137. Ken Pixley (09)             Marathon                      854     21:37.6      76.5     76
138. Daniel. Hurlbert (12)       Marathon                      852     21:45.6      73.8     74
139. Corey Mohrien (12)          Afton                         742     21:48.3      72.9     73
140. Nick Bidwell (9)            Johnson City                  837     21:51.2      71.9     72
141. Josh Bunnell (11)           Southern Springs              889     21:52.7      71.4     71
142. Zachary Dvornicky raymo     (Watkins Glen                 917     22:04.6      67.5     67
143. Ben Schutack (9)            Johnson City                  842     22:06.3      66.9     67
144. Patrick Radcliff (09)       Southern Springs              894     22:10.4      65.5     66
145. Jaq Goehner (12)            Watkins Glen                  919     22:12.7      64.8     65
146. Reid Bush (9)               Groton                        818     22:14.9      64.0     64
147. Nate Hamilton (10)          Cortland                      775     22:17.9      63.0     63
148. Caleb Pierson (12)          Cortland                      777     22:18.3      62.9     63
149. Brock Martin (10)           Deposit                       795     22:21.0      62.0     62
150. Jacob Van devalk (09)       Southern Springs              896     22:24.4      60.9     61
151. Anthony Mastronardi (10    ) Susquehanna Valley           899     22:26.8      60.1     60
152. Shayne Wierbowski (11)      Seton Catholic                887     22:27.1      60.0     60
153. Kyle Cole (11)              Cortland                      771     22:45.3      53.9     54
154. Adam Wiethuecter (12)       Moravia                       868     22:46.8      53.4     53
155. Jacob. Tomlins (09)         Edmeston                      802     22:53.0      51.3     51
156. Josh Lobdell (11)           Deposit                       794     23:09.8      45.7     46
157. Brian Schlicher (10)        Waverly                       914     23:12.4      44.9     45
158. Stephen Mckee (09)          Deposit                       796     23:20.9      42.0     42
159. Jackson Krebs (9)           Liberty                       846     23:29.3      39.2     39
160. Will Lester (10)            Deposit                       792     23:42.5      34.8     35
161. Brandon Kline (11)          Edmeston                      800     23:52.9      31.4     31
162. Brett Arnold (11)           Seton Catholic                885     24:19.1      22.6     23
163. Jesse Lapadula (11)         Whitney Point                 933     24:47.4      13.2     13
164. Harry Santos (12)          Liberty                        849     25:24.3      0.9      1
165. Phil Tanner (09)           Deposit                        797     25:49.0
166. Peter Koval (11)           Liberty                       1522     26:25.5
167. Brett Grant (10)           Southern Springs               890     26:33.2
168. Andrew Hersh (11)          Liberty                       1521     28:26.5
169. Matt Rhoads (12)           Groton                         822     30:19.8
170. Russell Hoagland (10)      Edmeston                       799     34:26.6
171. Cliff Canaday (12)         Afton                          740       DQ      


 Girls Varsity Results
Girls Seeded ... Maria Lamontagne (CNS) led the entire race and won impressively. Girls Seeded ... Lauren Mullins (Johnson City, a 2009 Footlocker Finalist) and Laura Leff (West Genesee) ran 2nd and 3rd, respectively
                       Girls Varsity (Seeded Race)

Division 1 Results
    1. Cicero North Syracuse       44    4. West Genesee           81
    2. Elmira Free Academy         79    5. Johnson City           96
    3. Elmira Southside            80    6. Corning               126

Division 2 Results
    1. Tully                       65    5. Fabius Pompey         110
    2. Newark Valley               66    6. Thomas A. Edison      123
    3. Marcellus                   69    7. Windsor               168
    4. Watkins Glen                82

Combined Results
    1. Cicero North Syracuse       59    8. Johnson City          188
    2. Elmira Free Academy        120    9. Watkins Glen          201
    3. Elmira Southside           121   10. Corning               232
    4. West Genesee               122   11. Fabius Pompey         236
    5. Tully                      161   12. Thomas A. Edison      254
    6. Marcellus                  169   13. Windsor               332
    7. Newark Valley              170

  FIN NAME                    TEAM                        NUM   RESULTS      Speed Rating
  1. Maria Lamontagne (9)   Cicero North Syracuse        1254   18:06.1      149.0    149
  2. Lauren Mullins (11)    Johnson City                 1292   18:21.8      143.7    144
  3. Laura Leff (09)        West Genesee                 1343   18:26.4      142.2    142
  4. Nicole Watterud (10)   Cicero North Syracuse        1256   19:24.2      122.9    123
  5. Sydney Williams (12)   Susquehanna Valley           1315   19:32.6      120.1    120
  6. Sara Colon (12)        Elmira Southside             1273   19:53.4      113.2    113
  7. Jenna Cupp (10)        Newark Valley                1307   20:01.0      110.7    111
  8. Mckenna Coughlin (12)  Johnson City                 1290   20:06.8      108.7    109
  9. Jacqlynn Halstead (9)  Cicero North Syracuse        1252   20:08.0      108.3    108
 10. Katherine Ward (11)    Tully                        1331   20:27.0      102.0    102
 11. Rachel Garn (09)       Marcellus                    1301   20:30.5      100.8    101
 12. Samantha Sauer (10)    Thomas A. Edison             1322   20:32.6      100.1    100
 13. Ashley Evans (11)      Tully                        1329   20:36.2      98.9     99
 14. Briana Lentkowski (9)  Elmira Southside             1274   20:36.5      98.8     99
 15. Imari Johnson (8)      Elmira Free Academy          1268   20:37.7      98.4     98
 16. Erin Mcconnell (10)    Fabius Pompey                1287   20:43.5      96.5     97
 17. Anna Leo (10)          West Genesee                 1344   20:49.5      94.5     95
 18. Khiere Ashley (8)      Elmira Free Academy          1266   20:55.1      92.6     93
 19. Lani Nagle (11)        Corning                      1263   21:03.8      89.7     90
 20. Morgan Cluck (9)       Johnson City                 1289   21:06.6      88.8     89
 21. Marissa Colburn (10)   Cicero North Syracuse        1250   21:07.1      88.6     89
 22. Abby Kastick (10)      West Genesee                 1342   21:11.9      87.0     87
 23. Taylor Kennard (8)     Watkins Glen                 1336   21:19.7      84.4     84
 24. Angela Richter (12)    Newark Valley                1311   21:24.6      82.8     83
 25. Emily Noonan (11)      Elmira Southside             1276   21:25.0      82.7     83
 26. Jessica Thatcher (8)   Elmira Free Academy          1270   21:26.6      82.1     82
 27. Jessica Jelfo (11)     Cicero North Syracuse        1253   21:35.4      79.2     79
 28. Mia Bates (09)         Corning                      1257   21:37.0      78.7     79
 29. Maggie Dunn (10)       Marcellus                    1299   21:37.5      78.5     79
 30. Shannon Hazlitt (12)   Watkins Glen                 1335   21:38.4      78.2     78
 31. Molly Mcguane (10)     Marcellus                    1305   21:39.0      78.0     78
 32. Meghan Edwards (10)    Elmira Free Academy          1267   21:39.4      77.9     78
 33. Katie Laris (11)       Cicero North Syracuse        1255   21:40.9      77.4     77
 34. Jordyn Kurcoba (8)     Elmira Free Academy          1269   21:42.5      76.8     77
 35. Elizabeth. Jewiss (10) Marathon                     1296   21:44.8      76.1     76
 36. Melinda Wheeler (10)   Elmira Free Academy          1271   21:49.3      74.6     75
 37. Kelly Powell (11)      West Genesee                 1346   21:50.4      74.2     74
 38. Ingrid Peterson (10)   Elmira Southside             1277   21:55.4      72.5     73
 39. Alissa Giammarino (12) Windsor                      1349   21:56.7      72.1     72
 40. Amber Swartz (12)      Watkins Glen                 1339   21:59.7      71.1     71
 41. Erica Cole (12)        Tully                        1326   22:02.3      70.2     70
 42. Moriah Teed (9)        Newark Valley                1313   22:06.0      69.0     69
 43. Marina Giraud (9)      Fabius Pompey                1282   22:08.1      68.3     68
 44. Nadia Bennacer (09)    Marcellus                    1298   22:16.1      65.6     66
 45. Beth Merritt (11)      Elmira Southside             1275   22:16.8      65.4     65
 46. Mackenzie Cummings (11) Cicero North Syracuse       1251   22:17.7      65.1     65
 47. Maryellen Davenport (12) Tully                      1328   22:19.4      64.5     65
 48. Robin Burke (11)       Elmira Southside             1272   22:20.4      64.2     64
 49. Mary Mcglynn (09)      West Genesee                 1345   22:20.7      64.1     64
 50. Taylor Cupp (8)        Newark Valley                1308   22:21.3      63.9     64
 51. Corey Flahive (9)      Watkins Glen                 1332   22:21.7      63.8     64
 52. Paige Tompkins (10)    Thomas A. Edison             1323   22:23.0      63.3     63
 53. Tracy Potter (11)      Fabius Pompey                1288   22:24.0      63.0     63
 54. Jenn Hamilton (12)     Corning                      1260   22:24.4      62.9     63
 55. Audrey Arnold (12)     Spencer Van Etten            1316   22:25.0      62.7     63
 56. Claire Beck (9)        Newark Valley                1306   22:28.6      61.5     61
 57. Leanne Riegel (9)      Newark Valley                1312   22:32.5      60.2     60
 58. Tory Woodard (10)      Thomas A. Edison             1324   22:35.0      59.3     59
 59. Colleen Ward (9)       Tully                        1330   22:41.6      57.1     57
 60. Jessica Currie (11)    Tully                        1327   22:47.7      55.1     55
 61. Maddy Gray (9)         Fabius Pompey                1284   22:50.8      54.1     54
 62. Eliza Bell (09)        Marcellus                    1297   22:52.7      53.4     53
 63. Kaitlyn Richards (12)  West Genesee                 1347   22:53.0      53.3     53
 64. Sommer Tobey (10)      Newark Valley                1314   22:58.3      51.6     52
 65. Mackenzie Sage (9)     Windsor                      1352   23:00.2      50.9     51
 66. Kelsie Hamelin (11)    Watkins Glen                 1334   23:03.3      49.9     50
 67. Ellie Cassetta (10)    Thomas A. Edison             1320   23:04.4      49.5     50
 68. Laura Cooper (10)      Corning                      1258   23:07.8      48.4     48
 69. Olivia Higgins (11)    Marcellus                    1302   23:08.1      48.3     48
 70. Jennifer Linn (09)     Marcellus                    1304   23:14.6      46.1     46
 71. Teagan Perry (9)       Windsor                      1351   23:16.3      45.6     46
 72. Courtney Waite (10)    Watkins Glen                 1340   23:17.1      45.3     45
 73. Christine Moore (12)   Corning                      1262   23:18.8      44.7     45
 74. Sierra Giraud (12)     Fabius Pompey                1283   23:21.0      44.0     44
 75. Ashlee Ingersoll (9)   Fabius Pompey                1286   23:30.7      40.8     41
 76. Emily Qualey (12)      Elmira Southside             1278   23:34.4      39.5     40
 77. Kaitlyn Houghtling (9) Thomas A. Edison             1321   23:40.8      37.4     37
 78. Jenn Davis (12)        Newark Valley                1309   23:41.2      37.3     37
 79. Caroline Gasparini (11) Fabius Pompey               1281   23:51.0      34.0     34
 80. Jemi Ong (10)          Corning                      1265   24:01.4      30.5     31
 81. Samantha Phillips (10) Watkins Glen                 1338   24:04.2      29.6     30
 82. Madeleine Fuller (10)  Marcellus                    1303   24:04.6      29.5     29
 83. Michelle Crook (09)    Corning                      1259   24:07.6      28.5     28
 84. Marcella Jewell (12)   Johnson City                 1291   24:10.9      27.4     27
 85. Maegan Sheets (12)     Elmira Southside             1279   24:18.7      24.8     25
 86. Sydney Mixon (10)      Corning                      1261   24:19.8      24.4     24
 87. Colleen Feeney (11)    Fabius Pompey                1280   24:20.9      24.0     24
 88. Sarah Francesconi (11) Marcellus                    1300   24:24.1      23.0     23
 89. Abby Hotaling (10)     Fabius Pompey                1285   24:31.8      20.4     20
 90. Erin Morrissey (11)    Windsor                      1350   24:33.2      19.9     20
 91. Sarah Stoughton (12)   Johnson City                 1295   24:43.7      16.4     16
 92. Laura Barnstead (9)    Thomas A. Edison             1318   24:54.1      13.0     13
 93. Dana Schmidt (11)      Johnson City                 1294   24:55.7      12.4     12
 94. Casey Cole (11)        Tully                        1325   25:11.4      7.2      7
 95. Chelsea Maceda (11)    Watkins Glen                 1337   25:22.7      3.4      3
 96. Maia Kunzman (9)       Spencer Van Etten            1317   25:27.3      1.9      2
 97. Kateri Sibley (12)     Windsor                      1353   25:36.2
 98. Amanda Oggeri (12)     Corning                      1264   25:45.1
 99. Sarah Dumas (9)        Windsor                      1348   26:18.5
100. Mikayla Okrepki (10)   Johnson City                 1293   26:33.9
101. Laura Flood (12)       Watkins Glen                 1333   29:05.7

               Girls Varsity (Unseeded Race)

 1. Holland Patent         70     8. Waverly              191
 2. Owego                  92     9. Jordan Elbridge      201
 3. Horseheads            106    10. Delhi                207
 4. Chenango Forks        132    11. Chenango Valley      258
 5. Ithaca                135    12. Norwich              321
 6. West Genesee          160    13. Cortland             355
 7. Maine Endwell         176

 FIN NAME                    TEAM                        NUM    RESULTS      Speed Rating
 1. Cheyenne Petrillo-Lavier Holland Patent              1156   20:16.8      105.4    105
 2. Sarah. Krizan (12)       Chenango Forks              1112   20:32.2      100.3    100
 3. Miranda Drummond (9)     Harpursville                1160   20:55.3      92.6     93
 4. Abbie Bideaux (10)       Binghamton                  1103   21:17.6      85.1     85
 5. Nikki Deiseroth (12)     Horseheads                  1142   21:18.6      84.8     85
 6. Kristen Brooks (12)      Chenango Forks              1109   21:34.2      79.6     80
 7. Kaylee Uhl (8)           Waverly                     1223   21:38.1      78.3     78
 8. Natalie Hawkes (9)       Chenango Valley             1122   21:41.9      77.0     77
 9. Korey Bunal (10)         Holland Patent              1151   21:53.3      73.2     73
 10. Megan Smetana (08)      Owego                       1205   21:54.0      73.0     73
 11. Lynda Balloni (10)      Southern Springs            1210   21:59.1      71.3     71
 12. Gabriella Rollo (11)    Delhi                       1134   21:59.8      71.1     71
 13. Theresa Miller (12)     Southern Springs            1211   22:05.2      69.3     69
 14. Lauren Brieant (10)     West Genesee                1227   22:12.8      66.7     67
 15. Liz Wall (10)           Horseheads                  1149   22:16.0      65.7     66
 16. Brooke Bart (10)        Maine Endwell               1182   22:20.1      64.3     64
 17. Sophie Franck (11)      Ithaca                      1163   22:21.6      63.8     64
 18. Ariel Piazza (10)       Onondaga                    1198   22:26.3      62.2     62
 19. Diedre Nolis (10)       Owego                       1204   22:27.3      61.9     62
 20. Alysa Hoffman (10)      Holland Patent              1153   22:27.7      61.8     62
 21. Alene Houghton (10)     Horseheads                  1143   22:28.4      61.5     62
 22. Dalton Villeneuve (09)  Holland Patent              1159   22:30.1      61.0     61
 23. Julia Bleier (9)        Ithaca                      1161   22:31.5      60.5     61
 24. Martine Bosch (9)       Maine Endwell               1184   22:33.0      60.0     60
 25. Lauren Corey (10)       Owego                       1199   22:33.6      59.8     60
 26. Gaby Faragasso (11)     Seton Catholic              1208   22:36.7      58.8     59
 27. Ivy Mallory (10)        Owego                       1203   22:37.9      58.4     58
 28. Katie Aikens (09)       Delhi                       1128   22:38.7      58.1     58
 29. Morgan Farmer (10)      West Genesee                1229   22:40.1      57.6     58
 30. Phebe Alley (11)        Jordan Elbridge             1168   22:44.7      56.1     56
 31. Katie Carroll (9)       Ithaca                      1162   22:47.0      55.3     55
 32. Sidney Shaffer (8)      Waverly                     1221   22:54.0      53.0     53
 33. Emily Selby (12)        Maine Endwell               1186   22:56.4      52.2     52
 34. Georgia Westbrook (09)  Binghamton                  1106   22:59.8      51.1     51
 35. Sarah Spittler (11)     Norwich                     1196   23:00.4      50.9     51
 36. Jen Wasileski (12)      Owego                       1207   23:05.0      49.3     49
 37. Erika. Bradley (12)     Holland Patent              1150   23:05.6      49.1     49
 38. Alexa Boyd (09)         Binghamton                  1104   23:08.5      48.2     48
 39. Kelsey Stevens (09)     Holland Patent              1158   23:13.8      46.4     46
 40. Rachel Hunsinger (10)   Owego                       1201   23:15.6      45.8     46
 41. Gretchen Stillings (12) Horseheads                  1146   23:20.5      44.2     44
 42. Jennifer Mclaughlin (10) Moravia                    1189   23:22.0      43.7     44
 43. Anna Padovani (11)      Delhi                       1133   23:23.9      43.0     43
 44. Alycia Andolina (10)    West Genesee                1226   23:27.1      42.0     42
 45. Madeline Staiger (9)    Chenango Forks              1113   23:30.5      40.8     41
 46. Kara Springsteen (10)   Owego                       1206   23:35.1      39.3     39
 47. Felicia Hertzog (12)    Chenango Forks              1111   23:35.5      39.2     39
 48. Taylah Peacock (10)     Ithaca                      1166   23:36.6      38.8     39
 49. Sarah Mcilvennie (12)   Ithaca                      1165   23:40.7      37.4     37
 50. Courtney Hourigan (11)  Jordan Elbridge             1172   23:47.6      35.1     35
 51. Rachel Gdula (09)       West Genesee                1230   23:48.2      34.9     35
 52. Michelle Li (10)        Horseheads                  1144   23:50.5      34.2     34
 53. Karly Kastner (08)      Owego                       1202   23:52.0      33.7     34
 54. Brianna Byrnes (10)     Jordan Elbridge             1169   23:52.3      33.6     34
 55. Natalie Emerick (9)     Jordan Elbridge             1171   23:52.6      33.5     33
 56. Cara O'malley (12)      Chenango Valley             1124   23:53.8      33.1     33
 57. Jessica Salisbury (12)  Jordan Elbridge             1174   23:54.3      32.9     33
 58. Rachael Waldrop (10)    Ithaca                      1167   23:55.8      32.4     32
 59. Serena Emms (11)        Waverly                     1219   24:00.8      30.7     31
 60. Jessica Emanuelli (12)  West Genesee                1228   24:01.2      30.6     31
 61. Krista Kicsak (8)       Maine Endwell               1185   24:01.6      30.5     30
 62. Rebecca Broderick (12)  Chenango Forks              1108   24:03.1      30.0     30
 63. Alex Incaudo (11)       West Genesee                1232   24:06.0      29.0     29
 64. Stephanie Schmidt (10)  Holland Patent              1157   24:06.7      28.8     29
 65. Allison Cronk (10)      Groton                      1136   24:07.7      28.4     28
 66. Kate Moore (9)          Waverly                     1220   24:08.1      28.3     28
 67. Mariah Brown (12)       Waverly                     1217   24:10.9      27.4     27
 68. Emily Iles (09)         West Genesee                1231   24:19.4      24.5     25
 69. Emily. White (12)       Seton Catholic              1209   24:24.5      22.8     23
 70. Mariah Robbins (10)     Horseheads                  1145   24:26.5      22.2     22
 71. Kalyna Paraszczak (9)   Westhill                    1234   24:28.7      21.4     21
 72. Anna Carmichael (09)    Moravia                     1188   24:30.2      20.9     21
 73. Esther Clemens (09)     Norwich                     1190   24:35.6      19.1     19
 74. Jen O'neill (12)        Chenango Valley             1126   24:41.0      17.3     17
 75. Marissa Noe (11)        Groton                      1139   24:44.8      16.1     16
 76. Courtney Ward (12)      Waverly                     1224   24:46.1      15.6     16
 77. Megan Wilbur (9)        Waverly                     1225   24:54.3      12.9     13
 78. Kelsey Brown (10)       Chenango Forks              1110   24:56.9      12.0     12
 79. Jessie Mann (11)        Holland Patent              1155   25:00.0      11.0     11
 80. Kylene Chandler (10)    Waverly                     1218   25:05.4      9.2      9
 81. Emma Coomey (11)        Jordan Elbridge             1170   25:08.5      8.2      8
 82. Erin Gunther (10)       Owego                       1200   25:09.8      7.7      8
 83. Jen Merckel (12)        Cortland                    1118   25:15.8      5.7      6
 84. Kerry Mack (11)         Jordan Elbridge             1173   25:17.0      5.3      5
 85. Stephanie Heisler (10)  Liberty                     1175   25:18.5      4.8      5
 86. Kayla Morley (10)       Marathon                    1180   25:21.7      3.8      4
 87. Whitney Allen (11)      Maine Endwell               1181   25:30.9      0.7      1
 88. Christina Erickson (09) Delhi                       1129   25:38.7
 89. Ashley Martin (12)      Groton                      1138   25:39.6
 90. Erica Gilrein (12)      Onondaga                    1197   25:40.0
 91. Holly Mcmahon (9)       Cortland                    1117   25:41.8
 92. Tiffany Hawley (12)     Susquehanna Valley          1214   25:42.8
 93. Sarah Sutryk (10)       Waverly                     1222   25:47.6
 94. Sam Johnson (9)         Chenango Valley             1123   25:48.1
 95. Katie Curtis (10)       Afton                       1100   25:50.8
 96. Samantha Spaulding (11) Cortland                    1119   25:59.4
 97. Rochelle Foster (10)    Cortland                    1115   26:43.7
 98. Morgan Barrett (10)     Chenango Forks              1107   26:48.1
 99. Kyrra Howard (12)       Delhi                       1132   26:56.6
100. Danille Slate (10)      Norwich                     1195   27:03.4
101. Kristen Siegel (10)     Liberty                     1178   27:07.0
102. Colleen O'malley (10)   Chenango Valley             1125   27:20.2
103. Shania Vanorder (11)    Groton                      1140   27:26.2
104. Maggie Anglehart (10)   Binghamton                  1102   27:27.4
105. Johanna Beukema (12)    Maine Endwell               1183   27:46.4
106. Sierra Thomas (8)       Liberty                     1179   28:22.3
107. Danielle Gallagher (11)  Cortland                   1116   28:24.7
108. Meghan Cuozzo (11)      Unatego                     1215   28:25.6
109. Lindsay Franklin (10)   Norwich                     1192   28:47.3
110. Cleo Daoud (12)         Norwich                     1191   29:20.1
111. Erin Kinne (9)          Liberty                     1177   29:42.0
112. Ashley Loucks (12)      Unatego                     1216   29:59.7
113. Julia Simcoe (12)       Norwich                     1194   30:47.8
114. Lydia Hood (09)         Delhi                       1131   35:23.5
115. Alina Hood (09)         Delhi                       1130   37:11.3