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 Results  - IAC Championship 2010

 ... October 30, 2010 (Marathon Elementary, Section 4)

Results courtesy Todd James (Marathon) ....

[ Girls  Results ]


 Boys Results

IAC Varsity Boys Championship Results

    1. Newark Valley         58     6. Southern Springs   133
    2. Trumansburg           64     7. Lansing            189
    3. Thomas A. Edison      82     8. Waverly            194
    4. Watkins Glen         102     9. Marathon           223
    5. Spencer Van Etten    110    10. Groton             278

  FIN   NAME                           TEAM                     RESULTS   PTS      Speed Rating
    1.  Cameron Bruce (11)             Lansing                  16:38.2     1      180.3    180
    2.  Brian Gooshaw (12)             Thomas A. Edison         17:24.6     2      164.8    165
    3.  Jordan Stevens (10)            Newark Valley            17:36.5     3      160.8    161
    4.  Chris Friend (12)              Newark Valley            17:39.0     4      160.0    160
    5.  Nick Sorensen (11)             Watkins Glen             17:41.8     5      159.1    159
    6.  Matt Gill (9)                  Watkins Glen             17:51.7     6      155.8    156
    7.  Tyler Sutherland (9)           Trumansburg              17:59.0     7      153.3    153
    8.  Ken Reuter (11)                Spencer Van Etten        17:59.6     8      153.1    153
    9.  Connor Cleveland (11)          Newark Valley            18:05.6     9      151.1    151
   10.  Nate Stevenson (12)            Trumansburg              18:11.1    10      149.3    149
   11.  Cody Scott (12)                Trumansburg              18:19.8    11      146.4    146
   12.  Mike Grant (12)                Thomas A. Edison         18:25.9    12      144.4    144
   13.  John Reuter (11)               Spencer Van Etten        18:35.5    13      141.2    141
   14.  Kyle Michaud (11)              Thomas A. Edison         18:41.0    14      139.3    139
   15.  Josiah Boggs (12)              Trumansburg              18:42.5    15      138.8    139
   16.  Nate Jurusik (10)              Thomas A. Edison         18:43.7    16      138.4    138
   17.  Devan Barta (10)               Southern Springs         19:01.1    17      132.6    133
   18.  Tom Miller (09)                Southern Springs         19:02.3    18      132.2    132
   19.  Zach Jacobson (9)              Newark Valley            19:06.0    19      131.0    131
   20.  Riley Shurtleff (11)           Southern Springs         19:06.9    20      130.7    131
   21.  Alex Cassetti (11)             Trumansburg              19:07.8    21      130.4    130
   22.  Josh Langley (11)              Watkins Glen             19:08.7    22      130.1    130
   23.  Levi Davis (9)                 Newark Valley            19:12.6    23      128.8    129
   24.  Travis Elstons (12)            Waverly                  19:14.1    24      128.3    128
   25.  Cal Randle (10)                Trumansburg              19:17.0     P      127.3    127
   26.  Tyler Nickerson (10)           Spencer Van Etten        19:19.6    26      126.5    126
   27.  John Larkin (11)               Marathon                 19:20.1    27      126.3    126
   28.  Derek Fenn (11)                Newark Valley            19:20.8     P      126.1    126
   29.  Isaac Mazzeo (9)               Spencer Van Etten        19:25.3    29      124.6    125
   30.  Andrew. Doxey (10)             Marathon                 19:26.3    30      124.2    124
   31.  Robert Dunham (11)             Groton                   19:31.1    31      122.6    123
   32.  Matt Pinckney (12)             Southern Springs         19:33.4    32      121.9    122
   33.  Adam Rice (12)                 Watkins Glen             19:33.8    33      121.7    122
   34.  Travis Overly (12)             Spencer Van Etten        19:34.4    34      121.5    122
   35.  Brenden Walker (10)            Tioga                    19:35.4     -      121.2    121
   36.  Andy Kinsley (10)              Waverly                  19:36.8    35      120.7    121
   37.  Ian Macdonald (12)             Tioga                    19:38.9     -      120.0    120
   38.  Josh Hamelin (11)              Watkins Glen             19:44.7    36      118.1    118
   39.  Jeremy Jones (11)              Spencer Van Etten        19:46.2     P      117.6    118
   40.  Jeremy Bussmann (12)           Thomas A. Edison         19:47.6    38      117.1    117
   41.  Kevin Yusko (9)                Thomas A. Edison         19:48.0     P      117.0    117
   42.  John Maolone (10)              Thomas A. Edison         19:49.5     P      116.5    117
   43.  Randy Chandler (9)             Waverly                  19:52.3    41      115.6    116
   44.  Casey Holland (12)             Watkins Glen             19:57.3     P      113.9    114
   45.  Connor Lapresi (10)            Lansing                  20:02.5    43      112.2    112
   46.  Michael Cree (10)              Lansing                  20:09.5    44      109.8    110
   47.  Alex Uhl (9)                   Waverly                  20:13.3    45      108.6    109
   48.  Chris Pinckney (08)            Southern Springs         20:14.9    46      108.0    108
   49.  Craig Basel (10)               Newark Valley            20:23.9     P      105.0    105
   50.  Ryan Gill (11)                 Southern Springs         20:31.2     P      102.6    103
   51.  Cole Mensch (11)               Waverly                  20:38.6    49      100.1    100
   52.  Dylan Bland (9)                Lansing                  20:39.4    50      99.9     100
   53.  Yusong Lui (10)                Lansing                  20:44.9    51      98.0     98
   54.  Ethan Peck (12)                Trumansburg              20:46.8     P      97.4     97
   55.  Luke Williams (09)             Marathon                 20:47.4    53      97.2     97
   56.  Gage Bush (12)                 Groton                   20:51.8    54      95.7     96
   57.  Evan Van de wall (11)          Waverly                  20:55.1     P      94.6     95
   58.  Taylor.. Ryan (11)             Marathon                 21:05.8    56      91.1     91
   59.  Daniel. Hurlbert (12)          Marathon                 21:19.9    57      86.4     86
   60.  Kyle Black (10)                Moravia                  21:23.5     -      85.2     85
   61.  Ken Pixley (09)                Marathon                 21:35.5     P      81.2     81
   62.  Tom Alexander (10)             Lansing                  21:39.2     P      79.9     80
   63.  Josh Bunnell (11)              Southern Springs         21:55.0     P      74.7     75
   64.  Brenton Whiting (10)           Watkins Glen             22:00.2     P      72.9     73
   65.  Michael Wright (10)            Lansing                  22:04.2     P      71.6     72
   66.  Larry Scott (10)               Groton                   22:11.6    63      69.1     69
   67.  Theo Moore (10)                Groton                   22:11.9    64      69.0     69
   68.  Devon Maxwell (9)              Candor                   22:44.7     -      58.1     58
   69.  Adam Wiethuecter (12)          Moravia                  23:10.7     -      49.4     49
   70.  Lucas Marsh (09)               Marathon                 23:39.3     P      39.9     40
   71.  Jesse Lapadula (11)            Whitney Point            23:46.6     -      37.5     37
   72.  Jason Jenks (9)                Groton                   23:49.7    66      36.4     36
   73.  Matt Rhoads (12)               Groton                   27:48.7     P
   74.  Reid Bush (9)                  Groton                     NF        -
   75.  Alex Seaman (11)               Moravia                    NF        -
   76.  Brandon Torelli (9)            Spencer Van Etten          NF        -
   77.  Brian Schlicher (10)           Waverly                    NF        -
   78.  Jakob Muhl (11)                Whitney Point              NF        -

IAC JV Boys Championships Results

    1. Trumansburg                          19
    3. Watkins Glen                         56
    2. Thomas A. Edison                     55

  FIN   NAME                           TEAM                     RESULTS   PTS
    1.  Jacob Kotler (12)              Trumansburg              20:15.9     1
    2.  Mike Giblin (12)               Newark Valley            20:20.0     -
    3.  Jake Puleo (12)                Trumansburg              20:27.8     2
    4.  Ben Maracle (11)               Trumansburg              20:32.0     3
    5.  Luke Benjamin (9)              Newark Valley            20:34.1     -
    6.  Alex Kenney (9)                Trumansburg              20:41.4     4
    7.  Larry Morris (10)              Watkins Glen             20:44.3     5
    8.  Zachary Dvornicky raymo (12)   Watkins Glen             20:46.2     6
    9.  Greg Sheffield (12)            Thomas A. Edison         20:48.6     7
   10.  Sam Kettell (11)               Thomas A. Edison         20:52.7     8
   11.  Noah Scheer (10)               Trumansburg              21:11.3     9
   12.  Jimmy Kline (9)                Newark Valley            21:12.3     -
   13.  Morgan Evans (9)               Newark Valley            21:16.2     -
   14.  Kevin Vandelden (9)            Trumansburg              21:28.6     P
   15.  Matt Robyler (9)               Thomas A. Edison         21:29.2    11
   16.  Colin Snyder (12)              Thomas A. Edison         21:36.3    12
   17.  Nick Sellers (12)              Trumansburg              21:37.8     P
   18.  Steven Dunn (10)               Trumansburg              21:39.5     -
   19.  Alex Rundle (11)               Watkins Glen             21:40.0    14
   20.  Alec Iacobucci (12)            Lansing                  21:44.4     -
   21.  Sevi Delfts (10)               Trumansburg              21:45.6     -
   22.  Ben Smith (9)                  Trumansburg              21:46.4     -
   23.  Jaq Goehner (12)               Watkins Glen             21:54.3    15
   24.  Chris Gill (11)                Watkins Glen             22:02.7    16
   25.  Michael Durfee (12)            Trumansburg              22:10.3     -
   26.  Jacob Van devalk (09)          Southern Springs         22:25.7     -
   27.  Patrick Radcliff (09)          Southern Springs         22:27.8     -
   28.  Austin Mospan (9)              Thomas A. Edison         22:51.6    17
   29.  Duncan Fuller (9)              Trumansburg              23:10.0     -
   30.  Kyle Mcgill (12)               Thomas A. Edison         23:18.5     P
   31.  Sam Houseworth (10)            Trumansburg              24:08.2     -
   32.  Ian Garnett (12)               Lansing                  24:22.0     -
   33.  Toby Puleo (9)                 Trumansburg              25:09.0     -
   34.  Tylor Knickerbocker (12)       Marathon                 25:34.0     -
   35.  Brett Grant (10)               Southern Springs         25:50.9     -
   36.  Mark Sabin (12)                Thomas A. Edison         25:53.0     P
   37.  Anthony Carbonero (10)         Thomas A. Edison         26:38.9     -
   38.  Gabe Weiler (09)               Whitney Point            28:48.4     -
   39.  Richard Hexter (10)            Trumansburg                NF        -

2010 Junior High Boys End of the Season Invitational

    1. Newark Valley                        35
    3. Waverly                              68
    2. Thomas A. Edison                     52
    4. Moravia                              72

  FIN   NAME                           TEAM                     RESULTS   PTS
    1.  Hubbell Daniel (8)             Spencer Van Etten        10:00.2     -
    2.  Colin Traub (8)                Waverly                  10:05.6     1
    3.  Henry Armstrong (8)            Newark Valley            10:16.6     2
    4.  Jeffrey Roblyer (8)            Thomas A. Edison         10:30.0     3
    5.  Gage Lubertowicz (07)          Tioga                    10:31.7     -
    6.  Nick Bogel-burroughs (08)      Southern Springs         10:32.4     -
    7.  Josh Becker (8)                Watkins Glen             10:32.9     -
    8.  Cody Lamphier (07)             Moravia                  10:34.6     4
    9.  Holmes Kyle (8)                Spencer Van Etten        10:40.9     -
   10.  Nick Holt (8)                  Newark Valley            10:43.7     5
   11.  Joseph Mcgill (8)              Thomas A. Edison         10:46.5     6
   12.  Callum Caplan (7)              Waverly                  10:51.1     7
   13.  Max Anderson (8)               Newark Valley            10:59.0     8
   14.  James Hawley (08)              Marathon                 11:03.7     -
   15.  Riley Ayers (8)                Newark Valley            11:04.0     9
   16.  Joshua Jurusik (7)             Thomas A. Edison         11:04.3    10
   17.  Justin Thompson (8)            Newark Valley            11:04.5    11
   18.  Garett Sovocool (07)           Moravia                  11:04.8    12
   19.  Mike Vanriper (8)              Newark Valley            11:05.2     P
   20.  Mark Kemmerer (8)              Newark Valley            11:05.3     P
   21.  Trent Nesbitt (08)             Moravia                  11:07.2    15
   22.  Matthew Haefner (7)            Trumansburg              11:10.2     -
   23.  Jake Torelli (8)               Spencer Van Etten        11:25.8     -
   24.  Micheal Beach (7)              Thomas A. Edison         11:32.2    16
   25.  Eric Levanduski (7)            Thomas A. Edison         11:35.7    17
   26.  Jacob Campbell (07)            Moravia                  11:42.7    18
   27.  Olbrys Ben (8)                 Spencer Van Etten        11:43.0     -
   28.  Brody Sprague (7)              Waverly                  11:44.8    19
   29.  Kyle Kinsley (8)               Waverly                  11:45.4    20
   30.  Lucas Beardsley (7)            Waverly                  11:57.6    21
   31.  Brandon Whitley (8)            Waverly                  11:58.0     P
   32.  Bryce Damiani (8)              Trumansburg              12:01.8     -
   33.  Nate Holt (8)                  Newark Valley            12:06.2     -
   34.  Dakota Hatton (8)              Newark Valley            12:24.1     -
   35.  Jonathan Lefever (08)          Moravia                  13:11.1    23
   36.  Patrick O'rourke (7)           Newark Valley            13:18.9     -
   37.  Luke Puleo (7)                 Trumansburg              13:20.8     -
   38.  Travis Ford (8)                Newark Valley            13:28.8     -
   39.  Devon Cardone (7)              Newark Valley            13:52.9     -
   40.  Kobie Punchard (7)             Thomas A. Edison         14:43.2     P
   41.  Joe Wilcox (8)                 Whitney Point            15:57.6     -
   42.  Alex Lowman (8)                Waverly                  16:39.8     P
   43.  Noah Schweiger (07)            Tioga                    17:21.5     -
   44.  Matthias Langtry (08)          Moravia                    NF        -
   45.  Ryan Sawyer (08)               Moravia                    NF        -
   46.  Andrew Doland (7)              Thomas A. Edison           NF        -
   47.  Justin Schrock (8)             Thomas A. Edison           NF        -
   48.  Ben Pesco (7)                  Trumansburg                NF        -
   49.  Nick Knight (8)                Whitney Point              NF        -      


 Girls Results
IAC Varsity Girls Championship Results

    1. Watkins Glen                         39
    2. Newark Valley                        63
    3. Trumansburg                          65
    4. Thomas A. Edison                     75
    5. Waverly                             108

  FIN   NAME                           TEAM                     RESULTS   PTS      Speed Rating
    1.  Jenna Cupp (10)                Newark Valley            20:14.0     1      110.3    110
    2.  Samantha Sauer (10)            Thomas A. Edison         20:45.0     2      100.0    100
    3.  Taylor Kennard (8)             Watkins Glen             21:02.4     3      94.2     94
    4.  Amber Swartz (12)              Watkins Glen             21:26.0     4      86.3     86
    5.  Shannon Hazlitt (12)           Watkins Glen             21:27.3     5      85.9     86
    6.  Sarah Danner (12)              Trumansburg              21:31.5     6      84.5     85
    7.  Brianna Vansoest (11)          Trumansburg              21:33.0     7      84.0     84
    8.  Corey Flahive (9)              Watkins Glen             21:44.3     8      80.2     80
    9.  Audrey Arnold (12)             Spencer Van Etten        21:46.5     -      79.5     80
   10.  Maya Puleo (11)                Trumansburg              21:54.5     9      76.8     77
   11.  Kaylee Uhl (8)                 Waverly                  21:55.4    10      76.5     77
   12.  Paige Tompkins (10)            Thomas A. Edison         21:55.7    11      76.4     76
   13.  Danielle Peck (12)             Trumansburg              21:55.9    12      76.4     76
   14.  Miranda Russell (9)            Candor                   22:04.4     -      73.5     74
   15.  Tory Woodard (10)              Thomas A. Edison         22:04.7    13      73.4     73
   16.  Taylor Cupp (8)                Newark Valley            22:05.3    14      73.2     73
   17.  Angela Richter (12)            Newark Valley            22:06.2    15      72.9     73
   18.  Claire Beck (9)                Newark Valley            22:10.7    16      71.4     71
   19.  Moriah Teed (9)                Newark Valley            22:11.3    17      71.2     71
   20.  Casey Pflegar (12)             Lansing                  22:21.9     -      67.7     68
   21.  Leanne Riegel (9)              Newark Valley            22:26.3     P      66.2     66
   22.  Jennifer Mclaughlin (10)       Moravia                  22:32.6     -      64.1     64
   23.  Amelia Stamp (10)              Watkins Glen             22:33.1    19      64.0     64
   24.  Katie jo Foust (10)            Tioga                    22:40.2     -      61.6     62
   25.  Courtney Waite (10)            Watkins Glen             22:42.0     P      61.0     61
   26.  Marissa Noe (11)               Groton                   22:48.0     -      59.0     59
   27.  Carissa Russell (8)            Candor                   22:53.2     -      57.3     57
   28.  Theresa Miller (12)            Southern Springs         22:55.7     -      56.4     56
   29.  Sidney Shaffer (8)             Waverly                  22:59.3    21      55.2     55
   30.  Lynda Balloni (10)             Southern Springs         23:04.1     -      53.6     54
   31.  Courtney Ward (12)             Waverly                  23:08.0    22      52.3     52
   32.  Kelsie Hamelin (11)            Watkins Glen             23:09.0     P      52.0     52
   33.  Ellie Cassetta (10)            Thomas A. Edison         23:16.6    24      49.5     49
   34.  Allison Cronk (10)             Groton                   23:17.8     -      49.1     49
   35.  Kaitlyn Houghtling (9)         Thomas A. Edison         23:27.9    25      45.7     46
   36.  Jenn Davis (12)                Newark Valley            23:37.3     P      42.6     43
   37.  Kate Moore (9)                 Waverly                  23:46.8    27      39.4     39
   38.  Jamie Horstmann (11)           Candor                   23:47.1     -      39.3     39
   39.  Anna Carmichael (09)           Moravia                  23:58.0     -      35.7     36
   40.  Mariah Brown (12)              Waverly                  24:00.2    28      34.9     35
   41.  Maia Kunzman (9)               Spencer Van Etten        24:41.0     -      21.3     21
   42.  Kylene Chandler (10)           Waverly                  24:56.8     P      16.1     16
   43.  Michelle Wilmot (12)           Southern Springs         24:57.7     -      15.8     16
   44.  Laura Barnstead (9)            Thomas A. Edison         25:17.0     P      9.3      9
   45.  Zoloo Brown (12)               Trumansburg              25:17.5    31      9.2      9
   46.  Megan Wilbur (9)               Waverly                  25:18.2     P      8.9      9
   47.  Karli Gasteiger (09)           Southern Springs         25:19.1     -      8.6      9
   48.  Kendra Soboleski (11)          Trumansburg              25:25.4     P      6.5      7
   49.  Rachel Pausch (10)             Trumansburg              25:31.9     P      4.4      4
   50.  Ashley Martin (12)             Groton                   25:33.3     -      3.9      4
   51.  Kayla Morley (10)              Marathon                 26:07.6     -
   52.  Shania Vanorder (11)           Groton                   26:07.7     -
   53.  Jackie Horstmann (8)           Candor                   26:29.4     -
   54.  Lauren Pflegar (9)             Lansing                  26:38.0     -
   55.  Brittany Dana (09)             Marathon                 27:42.1     -
   56.  Emily Stansfield (10)          Tioga                    28:11.3     -
   57.  Emily Thresher (9)             Thomas A. Edison         28:21.3     P
   58.  Kristen Jasso (10)             Marathon                 31:26.4     -
   59.  Rachel Brock (9)               Lansing                    NF        -
   60.  Saycelle De chellis (9)        Lansing                    NF        -
   61.  Emily Rasmussen (9)            Lansing                    NF        -
   62.  Shanna Swanson (11)            Lansing                    NF        -
   63.  Bethany Murphy (08)            Southern Springs           NF        -
   64.  Sarah Norton (12)              Southern Springs           NF        -

IAC JV Girls Championship Results

  FIN   NAME                           TEAM                     RESULTS   PTS
    1.  Sommer Tobey (10)              Newark Valley            22:04.0     -
    2.  Samantha Phillips (10)         Watkins Glen             22:18.1     -
    3.  Chelsea Maceda (11)            Watkins Glen             24:22.4     -
    4.  Katia D'arcy (10)              Newark Valley            24:31.9     -
    5.  Liz Lindsay (11)               Newark Valley            25:18.8     -
    6.  Harper Horton (11)             Newark Valley            25:26.0     -
    7.  Eliza Hotchkiss-yager (12)     Trumansburg              26:23.9     -
    8.  Laura Flood (12)               Watkins Glen             27:00.2     -
    9.  Charlotte Senders (9)          Trumansburg              27:17.3     -
   10.  Alyssa Pritts (12)             Trumansburg              28:38.3     -
   11.  Emily Synder (10)              Whitney Point            30:21.6     -
   12.  Katie Eaton (09)               Whitney Point            31:31.3     -
   13.  Jacinda Garcia (08)            Candor                     NF        -

Junior High Girls End of the Season Invitational

    1. Newark Valley                        23
    2. Trumansburg                          32
    3. Waverly                              75
    4. Watkins Glen                        108
    5. Candor                              117

  FIN   NAME                           TEAM                     RESULTS   PTS
    1.  Bryanna Thomas (7)             Newark Valley            10:38.8     1
    2.  Cassidy Tompkins (7)           Newark Valley            10:53.4     2
    3.  Dieter Montana (8)             Spencer Van Etten        10:55.6     -
    4.  Hannah Sellers (8)             Trumansburg              10:57.0     3
    5.  Allison Riegel (7)             Newark Valley            11:03.0     4
    6.  Kristin Whitaker (7)           Trumansburg              11:06.6     5
    7.  Maddie Byrne (7)               Newark Valley            11:12.4     6
    8.  Cierra Catalano (07)           Moravia                  11:19.5     -
    9.  Alora Tompkins (7)             Trumansburg              11:27.2     7
   10.  Merin Ketcham (8)              Trumansburg              11:28.7     8
   11.  Julia Tantillo (8)             Trumansburg              11:30.0     9
   12.  Brittani Swansbrough (8)       Newark Valley            11:34.5    10
   13.  Katie Perry (7)                Whitney Point            11:35.7     -
   14.  Celeste Rogers (07)            Marathon                 11:36.7     -
   15.  Casey Lattimer (7)             Waverly                  11:41.5    11
   16.  Kelsey Frank (7)               Waverly                  11:44.0    12
   17.  Brooke Shaffer (7)             Watkins Glen             11:45.5    13
   18.  Taylor Knight (7)              Waverly                  11:45.8    14
   19.  Crystal Ogden (7)              Candor                   11:57.1    15
   20.  Becky Urda (7)                 Trumansburg              12:01.3     P
   21.  Audrie Frisbie (7)             Waverly                  12:04.1    17
   22.  Megan Mcintyre (7)             Trumansburg              12:05.3     P
   23.  Cheyenne Stansfield (7)        Watkins Glen             12:14.7    19
   24.  Lydia Myers (8)                Watkins Glen             12:15.7    20
   25.  Lauren Mullen (8)              Thomas A. Edison         12:17.0     -
   26.  Courtney Chandler (7)          Waverly                  12:23.6    21
   27.  Olivia Hoyt (8)                Thomas A. Edison         12:32.3     -
   28.  Danielle Morse (7)             Candor                   12:36.4    22
   29.  Danielle Mueller (07)          Moravia                  12:37.2     -
   30.  Anna D'arcy (7)                Newark Valley            12:37.5     P
   31.  Brittany Kellog (7)            Newark Valley            12:37.7     P
   32.  Leanna Howe (8)                Candor                   12:40.7    25
   33.  Mara Engelmann (08)            Moravia                  12:40.9     -
   34.  Sarah Chace (07)               Moravia                  12:44.5     -
   35.  Michelle Peterson (8)          Trumansburg              12:59.8     -
   36.  Liz Griffith (8)               Newark Valley            13:09.3     -
   37.  Kristina Leshick (7)           Thomas A. Edison         13:20.5     -
   38.  Kaylah. Parish (08)            Marathon                 13:21.9     -
   39.  Nateah Cornish (7)             Watkins Glen             13:27.5    26
   40.  Jade Myrick (8)                Newark Valley            13:28.1     -
   41.  Rhyne Maas (7)                 Candor                   13:45.4    27
   42.  Veronica Chamberlain (8)       Groton                   14:13.5     -
   43.  Sabrina Acla (08)              Tioga                    14:23.7     -
   44.  Allexa Buckingham (8)          Spencer Van Etten        14:24.1     -
   45.  Marissa Cronk (7)              Groton                   14:36.9     -
   46.  Kaitlyn Hover (7)              Candor                   15:04.7    28
   47.  Kalie Herriman (7)             Waverly                  15:07.4     P
   48.  Hannah Moore (08)              Tioga                    15:25.2     -
   49.  Brionna White (7)              Watkins Glen             15:32.1    30
   50.  Taylor Yowan (08)              Moravia                    NF        -
   51.  Felecia Squires (8)            Thomas A. Edison           NF        -
   52.  Olivia Colon (8)               Trumansburg                NF        -
   53.  Amber Eldridge (8)             Trumansburg                NF        -
   54.  Kira Simmons (7)               Trumansburg                NF        -
   55.  Taylor Nicholas (7)            Waverly                    NF        -