Girls Results  - ESM X-C Invitational - Sept 8, 2001 (at Pine Grove JH)

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NOTE:  Below are the Girl's results ... All varsity runners ran in the same race ... class breakdowns are listed further down the table after the JV results.

09/08/01               CROSS COUNTRY

ES-M INVITATIONAL 2001     AT  PINE GROVE JR. HIGH        09/08/01

1      Tracey Brauksieck (12)   Homer                     18:47.6
2      Laurel Burdick (12)      Fayetteville-Manlius      19:13.2
3      Nichole Lister (09)      South Jefferson           19:50.6
4      Melissa Lister (12)      South Jefferson           21:09.1
5      Jessica Lister (11)      South Jefferson           21:24.3
6      Mackenzie Klump (12)     Fayetteville-Manlius      21:37.5
7      Heather Roberts (11)     Tully                     21:40.4
8      Brittany Crawford (10)   Fayetteville-Manlius      21:46.6
9      Jessica McAnaney (11)    Tully                     21:58.8
10     Amanda Lalley (11)       Central Square            22:04.8
11     Kayla Curtis (09)        Canastota                 22:22.6
12     Stephanie Weimer (10)    Chittenango               22:30.8
13     Erica Bourgeois (8 )     Adirondack                22:36.3
14     Sara Gehring (10)        Jamesville Dewitt         22:37.0
15     Tiff Miller              Fayetteville-Manlius      22:38.9
16     Ashley Brown (9 )        Lafayette                 22:42.3
17     Maria Gonchoroff (11)    Jamesville Dewitt         22:42.7
18     Christina DeMaio (10)    East Syracuse-Minoa       22:49.3
19     Shira Evans (12)         Fayetteville-Manlius      22:51.7
20     Jessica Portmess (10)    Tully                     22:52.7
21     Becky Ryan (12)          Chittenango               22:54.6
22     Amy Glover (12)          Chittenango               22:56.0
23     Katie Losecco (10)       Fayetteville-Manlius      23:00.3
24     Rosemary Foran (08)      Canastota                 23:02.5
25     Jen Spies (12)           Central Square            23:07.5
26     Jessica Wieczorek (09)   Chittenango               23:23.3
27     Paula Jabbour (10)       Christian Brothers        23:35.9
28     Emily Ames (12)          Homer                     23:36.9
29     Beth Brownson (10)       East Syracuse-Minoa       23:37.6
30     Mandi Lee (11)           Adirondack                23:46.8
31     Gina Malloy (10)         Christian Brothers        23:48.2
32     Kathy Miller (12)        Fayetteville-Manlius      23:48.7
33     Annie Rienhardt (9 )     Tully                     23:57.5
34     Allison Harding (10)     Corcoran                  24:01.6
35     Sarah Walsh (9 )         Lafayette                 24:05.7
36     Gwen Lennox (12)         Tully                     24:10.3
37     Lauren Silvernail (10)   Tully                     24:11.4
38     Bri Foltz (11)           South Jefferson           24:17.5
39     Beth Oustrich (10)       Mexico                    24:23.4
40     Shannon Funk (10)        Homer                     24:31.7
41     Sarah Gray (10)          East Syracuse-Minoa       24:37.1
42     Sarah Williams (12)      South Jefferson           24:38.3
43     Larissa Rhodes (12)      Fayetteville-Manlius      24:40.6
44     Emily Schmidt (8 )       Tully                     24:44.6
45     Carla Bisceglia (12)     Watertown                 24:45.1
46     Rachel Vaughn (10)       Mexico                    24:57.3
47     Rachel Phillips (11)     Chittenango               25:10.7
48     Katie Schneeberger (9 )  Watertown                 25:10.9
49     Ashley Pearson (12)      Homer                     25:31.2
50     Abby Storrier (11)       Lafayette                 25:34.3
51     Yanka Zuellich (11)      Nottingham                25:37.6
52     Mandy Sharlette (11)     Canastota                 25:39.6
53     Becky Brokhoff (9 )      Central Square            25:40.5
54     McKenna Kynch (9 )       Jamesville Dewitt         25:43.1
55     Jessica Petrus (10)      Jamesville Dewitt         25:52.1
56     Joanna Hutko (12)        East Syracuse-Minoa       25:57.1
57     Nicole Andre (10)        Adirondack                25:57.4
58     Erin Amicucci (11)       Adirondack                26:06.5
59     Laura Daley (10)         Chittenango               26:11.5
60     Jenna Cooley (11)        Watertown                 26:11.8
61     Betsy Lindstrom (10)     Jamesville Dewitt         26:14.7
62     Colleen Gannon (10)      Corcoran                  26:16.3
63     Jen Wieczorek (12)       Chittenango               26:21.3
64     Alexandra Pietropaolo (12Jamesville Dewitt         26:23.1
65     Shannon Brennan (10)     Pulaski                   26:26.1
66     Angela Ciciriello (12)   Mexico                    26:30.9
67     Megan McSherry (12)      Corcoran                  26:32.2
68     Larkin Kimmerer (9 )     Fabius-Pompey             26:33.3
69     Lisa Belge (12)          Central Square            26:34.0
70     Danielle Smith (11)      Lafayette                 26:40.0
71     Jacquie LeClair (10)     Central Square            26:41.4
72     Kathleen Hillary (10)    Corcoran                  26:42.3
73     Stasha Kurtz (11)        Watertown                 26:46.1
74     Liz McLaughlin (9 )      South Jefferson           26:47.7
75     Angela Goodwin (12)      East Syracuse-Minoa       26:48.7
76     Allison Gates (10)       Mexico                    26:52.0
77     Dana Doyle (9 )          Central Square            26:56.9
78     Nicole Giroux (10)       Nottingham                26:57.1
79     Heather Torsleff (11)    Central Square            26:57.9
80     Emily Esposito (10)      Christian Brothers        27:08.4
81     Christina Wright (9 )    Christian Brothers        27:10.3
82     Jessica Guthrie (9 )     Central Square            27:12.9
83     Katrin Schlemminger (11) Fayetteville-Manlius      27:18.0
84     Kristy Jensen (9 )       Homer                     27:22.7
85     Jaricah Bleck (9 )       Homer                     27:23.0
86     Hannah MacFarlane (9 )   Fayetteville-Manlius      27:30.0
87     Ruth Indrick (10)        Lafayette                 27:35.0
88     Caroline Skellington (11)East Syracuse-Minoa       27:40.3
89     Cara Gaglianese (09)     Canastota                 27:45.0
90     Amanda Roy (11)          Adirondack                27:49.8
91     Ashlee Smith (11)        Pulaski                   27:54.1
92     Kristen Thompson (12)    Lafayette                 27:56.6
93     Tabitha Gaglianese (11)  Canastota                 28:06.4
94     Jessica Lee (10)         East Syracuse-Minoa       28:08.9
95     Katie Harmatuk (11)      Corcoran                  28:25.5
96     Jennifer Weinberger (10) Corcoran                  28:28.2
97     Kim Ayre (10)            Central Square            28:29.5
98     Elizabeth Snyder (11)    IHC Watertown             28:36.3
99     Jessica Tanner (10)      Adirondack                28:44.2
100    Courtney Smith (12)      Lafayette                 28:44.5
101    Amy Scott (12)           Pulaski                   29:06.0
102    April Smith (10)         Mexico                    29:54.7
103    Maria Darling (12)       Homer                     30:10.6
104    Cori Field (12)          Jamesville Dewitt         30:11.5
105    Jennifer Farncis (10)    Watertown                 30:12.2
106    Anna Luisi (10)          Watertown                 30:51.6
107    Alaina Williams (9 )     South Jefferson           31:07.9
108    Kay Leopold (10)         Christian Brothers        31:17.1
109    Heather Early (10)       Nottingham                34:58.4
110    Natalie Relyen (10)      Nottingham                35:09.6
111    Ashleigh Bureau (11)     Pulaski                   35:50.7
112    Suzi Switzer (12)        Pulaski                   42:01.5

                                        Junior Varsity Girls

        1. Tully        28                                      3. Central Square       70
        2. Chittenango  45                                      4. Lafayette            92


                                       INDIVIDUAL RESULTS

  FIN   NAME                     TEAM                                     NUM    RESULTS   PTS
    1.  Tess Daly (10)           Tully                                    000      24 07.6        -
    2.  Sandi Ellis (9 )         Tully                                    000      24 36.4       -
    3.  Grace Tucker (9 )        Tully                                    000      25 11.6        -
    4.  Kerrie Crandall (10)     Central Square                           000      25 43.5        -
    5.  Michelle Lopez (11)      Tully                                    000      26 05.5        -
    6.  Julia Perriello (10)     Chittenango                              000      27 06.2        -
    7.  Molly Brownson (9 )      East Syracuse-Minoa                      000      27 20.2        -
    8.  Amy Parker (10)          Chittenango                              000      27 32.5       -
    9.  Hannah Kozik (10)        Lafayette                                000      28 02.3        -
   10.  Alyssa Clarke (10)       Chittenango                              000      28 18.8        -
   11.  Beth Weaver (10)         Lafayette                                000      28 20.8        -
   12.  Alexis Lalar (11)        Chittenango                              000      28 32.7        -
   13.  Katie Moon (10)          Chittenango                              000      28 36.7        -
   14.  Kerri Yerdon (10)        Chittenango                              000      28 37.1        -
   15.  Amber Judge (10)         Central Square                           000      28 53.5        -
   16.  Miriam Carr (10)         Central Square                           000      29 27.8        -
   17.  Melissa Clark (9 )       Chittenango                              000      29 35.9        -
   18.  Brianna Seeley (9 )      Tully                                    000      29 36.6        -
   19.  Alyssa Mitchell (9 )     Adirondack                               000      30 11.8        -
   20.  Bethany Boll (11)        Jamesville Dewitt                        000      30 17.5        -
   21.  Ashley Benjamin (9 )     Corcoran                                 000      30 23.4        -
   22.  Jessica Edick (9 )       Central Square                           000      30 30.2        -
   23.  Maureen Button (11)      East Syracuse-Minoa                      000      30 34.1        -
   24.  Angela Smith (10)        Central Square                           000      31 08.7        -
   25.  Susanne Gugula (9 )      Central Square                           000      31 10.5        -
   26.  Becky Mills (10)         Chittenango                              000      31 17.8        -
   27.  Amanda Puckett (9 )      Central Square                           000      31 23.8        -
   28.  Sierra Curtis (10)       Lafayette                                000      31 24.8        -
   29.  Stephanie Bishop (9 )    Chittenango                              000      31 34.3        -
   30.  Beth Diehle (11)         Lafayette                                000      32 00.5        -
   31.  Jacyln Hughs (10)        Jamesville Dewitt                        000      32 18.7        -
   32.  Maureen Healt (9 )       Adirondack                               000      32 43.0        -
   33.  Cali Shaw (11)           East Syracuse-Minoa                      000      32 48.4        -
   34.  Amy Trexler (11)         Lafayette                                000      33 06.5        -
   35.  Kim Nuzzo (11)           Central Square                           000      33 08.7        -
   36.  Amanda Gladle (11)       Central Square                           000      33 19.4        -
   37.  Jessica Zolik (10)       Central Square                           000      35 37.2        -
   38.  Kirsten Corsette (10)    Central Square                           000      35 37.6        -
   39.  Kristen Strodel (10)     Corcoran                                 000      38 04.1        -
   40.  Olivia Louise (9 )       Central Square                           000      38 21.6        -
   41.  Brittany Ballard (12)    Adirondack                               000      38 56.0        -

                                        Varsity Girls A
   1. Fayetteville-Manlius                 18     4. Watertown                           103
   2. East Syracuse-Minoa                  71     5. Corcoran                            104
   3. Central Square                       72

                                     WOMEN'S CROSS COUNTRY

                                       INDIVIDUAL RESULTS

  FIN   NAME                     TEAM                                     NUM    RESULTS   PTS
    1.  Laurel Burdick (12)      Fayetteville-Manlius                     050    19:13.2     1
    2.  Mackenzie Klump (12)     Fayetteville-Manlius                     053    21:37.5     2
    3.  Brittany Crawford (10)   Fayetteville-Manlius                     051    21:46.6     3
    4.  Amanda Lalley (11)       Central Square                           015    22:04.8     4
    5.  Tiff Miller              Fayetteville-Manlius                     058    22:38.9     5
    6.  Christina DeMaio (10)    East Syracuse-Minoa                      103    22:49.3     6
    7.  Shira Evans (12)         Fayetteville-Manlius                     052    22:51.7     7
    8.  Katie Losecco (10)       Fayetteville-Manlius                     054    23:00.3     P
    9.  Jen Spies (12)           Central Square                           025    23:07.5     9
   10.  Beth Brownson (10)       East Syracuse-Minoa                      100    23:37.6    10
   11.  Kathy Miller (12)        Fayetteville-Manlius                     057    23:48.7     P
   12.  Allison Harding (10)     Corcoran                                 034    24:01.6    12
   13.  Sarah Gray (10)          East Syracuse-Minoa                      105    24:37.1    13
   14.  Larissa Rhodes (12)      Fayetteville-Manlius                     060    24:40.6     -
   15.  Carla Bisceglia (12)     Watertown                                089    24:45.1    14
   16.  Katie Schneeberger (9 )  Watertown                                096    25:10.9    15
   17.  Yanka Zuellich (11)      Nottingham                               085    25:37.6     -
   18.  Becky Brokhoff (9 )      Central Square                           003    25:40.5    16
   19.  Joanna Hutko (12)        East Syracuse-Minoa                      106    25:57.1    17
   20.  Jenna Cooley (11)        Watertown                                090    26:11.8    18
   21.  Colleen Gannon (10)      Corcoran                                 033    26:16.3    19
   22.  Megan McSherry (12)      Corcoran                                 039    26:32.2    20
   23.  Lisa Belge (12)          Central Square                           002    26:34.0    21
   24.  Jacquie LeClair (10)     Central Square                           016    26:41.4    22
   25.  Kathleen Hillary (10)    Corcoran                                 036    26:42.3    23
   26.  Stasha Kurtz (11)        Watertown                                094    26:46.1    24
   27.  Angela Goodwin (12)      East Syracuse-Minoa                      104    26:48.7    25
   28.  Dana Doyle (9 )          Central Square                           009    26:56.9     P
   29.  Nicole Giroux (10)       Nottingham                               080    26:57.1     -
   30.  Heather Torsleff (11)    Central Square                           026    26:57.9     P
   31.  Jessica Guthrie (9 )     Central Square                           012    27:12.9     -
   32.  Katrin Schlemminger (11) Fayetteville-Manlius                     062    27:18.0     -
   33.  Hannah MacFarlane (9 )   Fayetteville-Manlius                     055    27:30.0     -
   34.  Caroline Skellington (11)East Syracuse-Minoa                      110    27:40.3     P
   35.  Jessica Lee (10)         East Syracuse-Minoa                      107    28:08.9     P
   36.  Katie Harmatuk (11)      Corcoran                                 035    28:25.5    30
   37.  Jennifer Weinberger (10) Corcoran                                 045    28:28.2     P
   38.  Kim Ayre (10)            Central Square                           001    28:29.5     -
   39.  Jennifer Farncis (10)    Watertown                                091    30:12.2    32
   40.  Anna Luisi (10)          Watertown                                095    30:51.6     P
   41.  Heather Early (10)       Nottingham                               079    34:58.4     -
   42.  Natalie Relyen (10)      Nottingham                               083    35:09.6     -

                                        Varsity Girls B

   1. South Jefferson                      40     4. Jamesville Dewitt                    84
   2. Chittenango                          54     5. Adirondack                          100
   3. Homer                                81     6. Mexico                              129

                                     WOMEN'S CROSS COUNTRY

                                       INDIVIDUAL RESULTS

  FIN   NAME                     TEAM                                     NUM    RESULTS   PTS
    1.  Tracey Brauksieck (12)   Homer                                    172    18:47.6     1
    2.  Nichole Lister (09)      South Jefferson                          218    19:50.6     2
    3.  Melissa Lister (12)      South Jefferson                          217    21:09.1     3
    4.  Jessica Lister (11)      South Jefferson                          216    21:24.3     4
    5.  Stephanie Weimer (10)    Chittenango                              163    22:30.8     5
    6.  Erica Bourgeois (8 )     Adirondack                               119    22:36.3     6
    7.  Sara Gehring (10)        Jamesville Dewitt                        186    22:37.0     7
    8.  Maria Gonchoroff (11)    Jamesville Dewitt                        187    22:42.7     8
    9.  Becky Ryan (12)          Chittenango                              161    22:54.6     9
   10.  Amy Glover (12)          Chittenango                              152    22:56.0    10
   11.  Jessica Wieczorek (09)   Chittenango                              165    23:23.3    11
   12.  Emily Ames (12)          Homer                                    170    23:36.9    12
   13.  Mandi Lee (11)           Adirondack                               122    23:46.8    13
   14.  Bri Foltz (11)           South Jefferson                          214    24:17.5    14
   15.  Beth Oustrich (10)       Mexico                                   205    24:23.4    15
   16.  Shannon Funk (10)        Homer                                    175    24:31.7    16
   17.  Sarah Williams (12)      South Jefferson                          224    24:38.3    17
   18.  Rachel Vaughn (10)       Mexico                                   209    24:57.3    18
   19.  Rachel Phillips (11)     Chittenango                              160    25:10.7    19
   20.  Ashley Pearson (12)      Homer                                    180    25:31.2    20
   21.  McKenna Kynch (9 )       Jamesville Dewitt                        191    25:43.1    21
   22.  Jessica Petrus (10)      Jamesville Dewitt                        194    25:52.1    22
   23.  Nicole Andre (10)        Adirondack                               117    25:57.4    23
   24.  Erin Amicucci (11)       Adirondack                               116    26:06.5    24
   25.  Laura Daley (10)         Chittenango                              150    26:11.5     P
   26.  Betsy Lindstrom (10)     Jamesville Dewitt                        193    26:14.7    26
   27.  Jen Wieczorek (12)       Chittenango                              164    26:21.3     P
   28.  Alexandra Pietropaolo (12Jamesville Dewitt                        195    26:23.1     P
   29.  Angela Ciciriello (12)   Mexico                                   200    26:30.9    29
   30.  Liz McLaughlin (9 )      South Jefferson                          219    26:47.7     P
   31.  Allison Gates (10)       Mexico                                   203    26:52.0    31
   32.  Kristy Jensen (9 )       Homer                                    176    27:22.7    32
   33.  Jaricah Bleck (9 )       Homer                                    171    27:23.0     P
   34.  Amanda Roy (11)          Adirondack                               124    27:49.8    34
   35.  Jessica Tanner (10)      Adirondack                               125    28:44.2     P
   36.  April Smith (10)         Mexico                                   207    29:54.7    36
   37.  Maria Darling (12)       Homer                                    173    30:10.6     P
   38.  Cori Field (12)          Jamesville Dewitt                        185    30:11.5     P
   39.  Alaina Williams (9 )     South Jefferson                          223    31:07.9     P

                                        Varsity Girls C

   1. Tully                                28     4. Christian Brothers                   79
   2. Lafayette                            65     5. Pulaski                             121
   3. Canastota                            69

                                     WOMEN'S CROSS COUNTRY

                                       INDIVIDUAL RESULTS

  FIN   NAME                     TEAM                                     NUM    RESULTS   PTS
    1.  Heather Roberts (11)     Tully                                    300    21:40.4     1
    2.  Jessica McAnaney (11)    Tully                                    296    21:58.8     2
    3.  Kayla Curtis (09)        Canastota                                234    22:22.6     3
    4.  Ashley Brown (9 )        Lafayette                                261    22:42.3     4
    5.  Jessica Portmess (10)    Tully                                    298    22:52.7     5
    6.  Rosemary Foran (08)      Canastota                                235    23:02.5     6
    7.  Paula Jabbour (10)       Christian Brothers                       247    23:35.9     7
    8.  Gina Malloy (10)         Christian Brothers                       250    23:48.2     8
    9.  Annie Rienhardt (9 )     Tully                                    299    23:57.5     9
   10.  Sarah Walsh (9 )         Lafayette                                276    24:05.7    10
   11.  Gwen Lennox (12)         Tully                                    294    24:10.3    11
   12.  Lauren Silvernail (10)   Tully                                    303    24:11.4     P
   13.  Emily Schmidt (8 )       Tully                                    301    24:44.6     P
   14.  Abby Storrier (11)       Lafayette                                273    25:34.3    14
   15.  Mandy Sharlette (11)     Canastota                                240    25:39.6    15
   16.  Shannon Brennan (10)     Pulaski                                  281    26:26.1    16
   17.  Larkin Kimmerer (9 )     Fabius-Pompey                            256    26:33.3     -
   18.  Danielle Smith (11)      Lafayette                                272    26:40.0    17
   19.  Emily Esposito (10)      Christian Brothers                       245    27:08.4    18
   20.  Christina Wright (9 )    Christian Brothers                       252    27:10.3    19
   21.  Ruth Indrick (10)        Lafayette                                268    27:35.0    20
   22.  Cara Gaglianese (09)     Canastota                                236    27:45.0    21
   23.  Ashlee Smith (11)        Pulaski                                  286    27:54.1    22
   24.  Kristen Thompson (12)    Lafayette                                274    27:56.6     P
   25.  Tabitha Gaglianese (11)  Canastota                                237    28:06.4    24
   26.  Elizabeth Snyder (11)    IHC Watertown                            309    28:36.3     -
   27.  Courtney Smith (12)      Lafayette                                271    28:44.5     P
   28.  Amy Scott (12)           Pulaski                                  285    29:06.0    26
   29.  Kay Leopold (10)         Christian Brothers                       249    31:17.1    27
   30.  Ashleigh Bureau (11)     Pulaski                                  282    35:50.7    28
   31.  Suzi Switzer (12)        Pulaski                                  287    42:01.5    29