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 Results  - Section 3 Class Steeplechase
 ... May 23, 2007 (Canastota High School)

Weather ... sunny, warm, 80-85 deg

Boys results courtesy Bruce Sherwood ...



Class AA and Class A steeplechases are run at the sectional meet on the same day ... Classes not able to run steeple at the class meet run it a day or two before (that what the results below refer to):


Boys 3000 Meter Steeplechase Classes C-1,  C-2,  D
  5/23/07 (at Canastota High School)

Class C-1
1.      Stephen Scrafford       Cooperstown             9:56.8
2.      Mike Heymann            Tully                   10:01.7
3.      Sam Ohure               Tully                   10:55.1
4.      Chris Burke             Tully                   10:55.1
5.      Ethan Lennox            Tully                   11:21.1
6.      Casey Knapp             Tully                   11:37.1

Class C-2
1.      Alen Winters            Onondaga                10:41.7
2.      Mackenzie Hartman       West Canada             10:52.6
3.      Brian Cheny             Beaver River            10:58.5
4.      Mike Greer              Weedsport               11:03.6
5.      Chris Martin            Onondaga                11:13.3
6.      Ryan Enos               Weedsport               11:20.7

Class D
1.      Steve Tyrrell           Faith Heritage          11:37.8
2.      Zach Murphy             Faith Heritage          11:59.1
3.      Josiah Bosco            Living Word             13:07.9
4.      Bruce Ackley            S.A.S.                  14:23.4
5.      XXX
6.      XXX

Girls 2000 Meter Steeplechase
  (these are unofficial results I jotted down at the meet)

Class B-1
1.  Jen Pernisi              12    APW                 7:39.9
2.  Nicole Darling           10    Jordan-Elbridge     7:53.0
3.  Lauren Jamieson          10    South Jefferson     7:53.1
4.  Elizabeth Forward        12    Jordan-Elbridge     8:07.3
5.  Ariel Briggs             11    Marcellus           8:15.2
6.  Kerry Dermody            11    Cazenovia           8:20.3

Class B-2
1.  Nicole VanEtten          9     Sauquoit Valley     7:43.2
2.  Gina Micaroni            11    Canastota           7:48.1
3.  Leah McDowell            11    Canastota           8:05.5
4.  Colleen Doolen           12    Lowville            8:17.7
5.  Ashley Delaney           7     Canastota           8:28.0
6.  Olivia Waszkiewicz       10    Sauquoit Valley     8:35.0

Class C-1
1.  Kelly Coyne              10    Tully               7:49.8
2.  Danielle Zgardzinski     9     Tully               7:59.8
3.  Andrea Lisk                    South Lewis         8:07.3
4.  MaryEllen Touchette      10    Tully               8:16.4
5.  Amy Schachtler           12    Westmoreland        8:24.7
6.  Sara Pick                12    Westmoreland        8:39.4

Class C-2 / Class D (race was combined)
1.  Tari Lyndaker            10    Beaver River        8:16.6
2.  Erica                          West canada         8:21.2
3.  Monica Hastedt           12    Onondaga            8:22.6
4.  Mell Cathcart                  Faith Heritage      8:24.7
5.  Chrissy Crowell          10    Beaver River        8:49.4
6.  Kayla Ramsden            10    Onondaga            8:52.6