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 Results  - CSC Division II League Meet
 ... May 13, 2005 (Canastota High School)

 Results from the Utica Observer-Dispatch ...




  BOYS Results

    Team scoring:
       Cooperstown           159
       Sauquoit Valley       104
       Morrisville-Eaton      76
       Sherburne-Earlville    66
       Canastota              63
       Mount Markham          40
       Westmoreland           28
       Waterville             10

  1. Thomas Murling (West) 11.3
  2. Scherer (MM)          11.4
  3. Clark (ME)            11.6
  4. Hill (Coop)           11.8
  5. Casale (MM)           11.9
  6. Harris (SE)           12.0

  1. Jason Sgarlata (Can)  23.7
  2. Scherer (MM)          23.8
  3. Clark (MEN            23.9
  4. Harris (SE)           24.0
  5. Barrett (MM)          24.3
  6. Matuszally (ME)       24.5

  1. Tyler Haskell (SV)    53.6
  2. Chapman (ME)          54.7
  3. Bush (Coop)           54.8
  4. Wikoff (Coop)         55.3
  5. Jordan (MM)           55.7
  6. Aguino (Can)          55.9

  1. Cory White (SV)       2:06.6
  2. Packard (ME)          2:07.1
  3. Kowalsky (SV)         2:07.3
  4. Leon (Coop)           2:08.2
  5. Reis (Coop)           2:10.4
  6. Tirrell (Coop)        2:11.7

  1. John Nicotera (SV)    4:32.4
  2. Scrafford (Coop)      4:33.8
  3. Wilkinson (Can)       4:34.3
  4. White (SV)            4:41.5
  5. Stedman (SV)          4:43.2
  6. Tirrell (Coop)        4:49.7

  1. John Nicotera (SV)    9:55.4
  2. Polus (Coop)          9:55.9
  3. Wilkinson (Can)       10:13.3
  4. Scrafford (Coop)      10:21.5
  5. Miller (ME)           10:23.0
  6. Walker (Can)          10:35.6

110 hurdles:
  1. Chris Goodspeed (Coop) 15.8
  2. Petrie (SV)            16.0
  3. Davis (SE)             16.1
  4. Bagnall (SE)           17.6
  5. Jones (MM)             17.9
  6. Hribar (Coop)          17.9

400 hurdles:
  1. Chris Goodspeed (Coop) 59.7
  2. Davis (SE)             61.6
  3. Towers (Coop)          62.5
  4. Petrie (SV)            64.1
  5. Bagnall (SE)           64.4
  6. E. Argentine (Can)     64.6

Long jump:
  1. Will Packard (ME)     19-0
  2. Hill (Coop)           18-2 1/4
  3. Tomaselli (SE)        18-0 3/4
  4. Barrett (MM)          17-9 1/2
  5. Tolliver (Can)        17-8
  6. Sorin (Coop)          17-7

High jump:
  1. Andrew Clark (ME)     5-10
  2. Hribar (Coop)         5-6
  3. Smith (Coop)          5-6
  4. Canton (SE)           5-4
  5. Petrie (SV)           5-4
  6. Tomaselli (SE)        5-4

Pole vault
  1. Chris Goodspeed (Coop) 11-6
  2 Packard (ME)            11-0
  3. Niedzialoski (Coop)    11-0
  4. Gallup (ME)            10-6
  4. White (Coop)           10-6
  4. Phillips (MM)          10-6

Triple jump:
  1. Will Packard (ME)    39-11
  2. Davis (SE)           36-7 1/4
  3. Sgarlata (Can)       36-0 1/4
  4. Henck (SV)           35-11 3/4
  5. Canton (SE)          35-10 3/4
  6. Lewis (ME)           35-9

Shot put:
  1. Nick Weir (Coop)     48-1 1/4
  2. Robinson (Can)       44-0 1/4
  3. Stefanik (SV)        43-9
  4. Hill (Coop)          41-10 1/2
  5. D. Stedman (SV)      41-3 1/4
  6. Payne (MM)           38-6 1/2

  1. Nick Weir (Coop)    141-7
  2. Robinson (Can)      124-7
  3. Stefanik (SV)       121-4
  4. Payne (MM)          117-4
  5. Bronson (Coop)      116-6
  6. Dylon (ME)          108-3

400 relay:
  1. Cooperstown (Hill  Bush  Goodspeed  Sorin) 46.0
  2. Sherburne-Earlville 46.2
  3. Westmoreland        46.7
  4. Mount Markham       46.9
  5. Canastota           47.0
  6. Morrisville-Eaton   47.2

1600 relay:
  1. Sauquoit Valley (Mike Bowee, Tyler Haskell, John Nicotera, Cory White) 3:41.6
  2. Sherburne      3:43.9
  3. Canastota      3:43.4
  4. Cooperstown    3:44.0
  5. Mount Markham  3:47.3
  6. Morrisville    3:51.3

3200 relay:
  1. Sauquolt Valley (Brian Kowaisky, Steve Stedman, Jason Lomonaco, John Nicotera) 8:48.9
  2. Cooperstown    9:00.5
  3. Canastota      9:27.3
  4. Sherburne      9:44.2
  5. Westmoreland  10:53.9

Sprint medley relay:
  1. Sauquoit Valley (Matt Copperwheat, Jon Waterman, Ian Mcintyre, Derek Goodman) 4:11.4
  2. Cooperstown   4:16.3
  3. Morrisville   4:17.1
  4. Waterville    4:21.3
  5. Canastota     4:31.5

 GIRLS Results

   Team scoring:
     Canastota (CA)             120
     Cooperstown (CO)           107
     Sherburne-Earlville (SE)   90.5
     Sauquoit Valley (SV)       72.5
     Morrisville-Eaton (ME)     58
     Westmoreland (W)           40
     Mount Markham (MM)         38
     Waterville                  0

  Sarah Dunn (ME)         12.9
  Lauren Betrus (W)       13.0
  Marissa Kaplan (CO)     13.1
  Liz Fish (MM)           13.2
  Kim Frawley (CA)        13.3
  Melissa Vair (CA)       13.5

  Fish (MM)               27.0
  Betrus (111             27.2
  Kaplan (CO)             27.6
  Dunn (ME)               27.8
  Vair (CA)               28.7
  Jweid/Green (SV/SE)     28.9

  Adriane Marcellus (SE)  59.7
  Kaplan (CO)             61.0
  Kristina Holland (SV)   62.7
  Allison Lasnicki (CA)   64.3
  Green (SE)              64.4
  Randi-Jo Holdridge (ME) 65.0

  Marcellus (SE)          2:26.2
  Holland (SV)            2:27.7
  Rosemary Foran (CA)     2:29.9
  Laura Resnick (CO)      2:33.0
  Chelsea Conger (CO)     2:34.0
  Brigid Colgan (SV)      2:35.8

  Samantha Stedman (SV)   5:02.2
  Emily Gates (MM)        5:06.5
  Leah McDowell (CA)      5:09.7
  Carly Calogero (SV)     5:11.6
  Amy Schachtler (W)      5:12.7
  Kayla Curtis (CA)       5:30.1

  Stedman (SV)            11:04.8
  Calogero (SV)           11:12.0
  Schachtler (W)          11:17.0
  Gates (MM)              11:19.3
  McDowell (CA)           11:27.5
  Curtis (CA)             11:44.9

100 hurdles:
  Kelly Lindroth (SE)     17.2
  Danielle Hoffman (W)    18.2
  Julie Barown (CO)       18.5
  Rachael Kuch (CO)       18.7
  Jada Klein (ME)         19.2
  Gina Micaroni (CA)      19.4

400 hurdles:
  Fisher (CO)             71.6
  Micaroni (CA)           72.9
  Foran (CA)              73.5
  Megan Lindoerfer (SE)   73.7
  Calogero (SV)           74.5
  Hoffman (V1)            75.2

Long jump:
  Kim Frawley (CA)        15-1/4
  Natalie Morris (ME)     14-4 3/4
  Andy Lyons (CO)         13-10 3/4
  Maria Kopnitsky (CA)    13-6 1/2
  Julie Barown (CO)       13-6 1/2
  Lauren Betrus (W)       13-3/4

High jump:
  Natalie Morris (ME)     4-10
  Nichole Kapfer (CA)     4-8
  Amanda Jacobsen (SE)    4-6
  Maria Kopnitsky (CA)    4-6
  Mindy Niebuhr (SV)      4-6
  Deona Senior (W)        4-6

Pole vault:
  Becky Meyer (ME)        7-6
  Rosemary Foran (CA)     7-6
  Kelly Segit             7-0
  Kelly Lindroth (SE)     7-0
  Katherine Foran (CA)    6-6
  Lauren Hanover (CA)     6-6

Triple jump:
  Frawley (CA)           32-9
  Moms (ME)              30-6
  Resnick (CO)           30-0
  Barown (CO)            29-2 112
  Senior (W)             28-11
  Strange (W)            28-81/2

Shot put:
 Ashlee Lathrop (SE)     32-8 3/4
  Danielle Hertel (CA)   30-11 3/4
  Martina Yerton         27-1
  Niki Baldic            26-11 1/2
  Jessie Wairath (CO)    26-5 1/2
  Sarah Giffune (SV)     26-3

  Mary Karl (CO)         105-10
  Ashlee Lathrop (SE)    104-7
  Catherine Canvey (MM)   95-6
  Lyons (CO)              95-6
  Leanna Brown (SE)       88-1
  Danille Hertel (CA)     84-0

400 relay:
  Canastota (Micaroni, Vair, Foran, Frawley)      53.4
  Sherburne (Pope, Pancoe, Green, Macellus)       54.0
  Cooperstown (Petroskey, Lyons, Fisher, Kaplan)  54.1
  Morrisville (Meyer, Klein, Hoidridge, Dunn)     54.8
  Sauquoit (Hobaica, Przyuke, Hryb, Young)        55.0
  Westmoreland (Betrus, Senior, Jackson, Hoffman) 55.5

1600 relay:
  Sherburne (Lindoerfer, Green, Jacobson, Marcellus) 4:19.8
  Sauquolt (Jweid, Clarke, Cronin, Holland)          4:22.4
  Canastota (Lasnicki, S. Foran, Micaroni, R. Foran) 4:23.6
  Cooperstown (Strange, Leonard, Resnick, Conger)    4:27.2
  Mount Markham (Drake, Waflaber, Sirtoll, Farrugia) 4:41.9
  Morrisville (Klein, Hoidridge, Dunn, Meyer)        4:43.8

3200 relay:
  Sauquolt (Rudnitski, Calogero, Colgan, Stedman)  10:23.8
  Canastota (S. Foran, McDowell, Curtis, R. Foran) 10:24.6
  Cooperstown                                      10:35.4
  Mount Markham                                    11:24.2
  Westmoreland (Pick, Jackson, Wessing, Bush)      11:27.0